MIdterms: Biden and Obama invoke democracy (video)

Watch the video: Biden and Obama invoke democracy – “The stakes are high”.

STORY: Pennsylvania was just one of the embattled US states Joe Biden visited over the weekend. Ahead of the midterm elections on November 8, the US President is touring across the country in support of the Democratic candidates. Ex-President Barack Obama was also at his side in Philadelphia on Sunday. Both Democratic heavyweights attacked the Republican candidates who are rejecting the result of the 2020 presidential election. “Truth and facts and logic and reason and basic decency are on the ballot. Democracy itself is up for election. The stakes are high.” The Republicans, in turn, brought their own ex-president into play. During an appearance in Florida on Sunday, Donald Trump again referred to his previously unsubstantiated claims that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” from him. “I ran twice. I won twice, and the second time I did a lot better than the first time. I got millions and millions more votes in 2020 than I did in 2016. And I also got more votes than any other sitting president in of our country’s history by far. And now, to make our country prosperous, safe and glorious, I’ll probably have to do it again. But stay tuned.” According to non-partisan polls, the Republicans are the favorites in the so-called mid-term elections, in which the US House of Representatives and a good third of the senators will be re-elected. In the election campaign, the topics of inflation and crime had recently moved back into focus. Biden’s Democrats are at risk of losing their majority in one or even both houses of parliament. That would affect the US President’s ability to act in his remaining two years in office.

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