Mick Jagger at the Wiener Sausage Stand: “The idiots don’t recognize him!” -Panorama

Actually, Stefan Kurzel and Jochen Kaluza-Praschl just wanted to have a beer together after their preparations for the gala dinner of a large radiology congress in the Vienna Riding School. But then suddenly Mick Jagger was standing next to them.

SZ: Mr. Kaluza-Praschl, what did you talk about with Mr. Kurzel at the sausage stand behind the Vienna State Opera?

Jochen Kaluza-Praschl: For example, about whether we will soon be sent back into hibernation because of Corona. Stefan and I both work in the event industry and have known each other for many, many years. This time we equipped a radiology congress. Stefan as a technician, I as an outfitter. We just got back from sound check. It was 12:30 a.m.

And there you were photographed.

Stefan Kurzel: Actually, there weren’t we photographed, but the slim gentleman with a peaked cap next to us.

Mr. Kaluza-Praschl, you had a really good view of this man from your seat at the sausage stand. Why didn’t you recognize him?

Kaluza-Praschl: We were simply too engrossed in our conversation. And of course: That could have been a radiologist. Or someone like us. In any case, I have to admit: I didn’t realize that this was a world star.

Mick Jagger the day after his appearance at the sausage stand: on the stage of Vienna’s Ernst Happel Stadium.

(Photo: Hans Klaus Techt/AFP/AFP)

Abbreviation: Because of our job, we always have to deal with celebrities. Even more often with board members, such as Sir Richard Branson or Bill Gates. I could tell you many stories now… But I’d rather wait until I retire.

Kaluza-Praschl: It all started the next morning, that’s when the photo was sent to me and I was annoyed: Who is taking the picture of me without telling me anything? It was only later that I realized that Mick Jagger was next to us. Jagger’s team took the picture and tweeted it afterwards.

Abbreviation: And then I outed us on the internet. Because of course everyone made fun of it: “Look, the idiots don’t recognize him.” You have to deal with it aggressively.

In hindsight, did it annoy you that you didn’t recognize Jagger?

Abbreviation: No. We wouldn’t have spoken to him anyway. We know that artists need their rest.

Kaluza-Praschl: But it was funny. Mainly because we were actually just talking about how our own lives would have been had we also become musicians.

Oh. You wanted to be a musician?

Kaluza-Praschl: Yes, Stefan used to be a producer and I was a singer-songwriter. But many of our old friends later ended up backstage as well. Or became a tax consultant or something.

Abbreviation: I am grateful to be able to do this great job.

Having a gala dinner with radiologists isn’t bad either, is it?

Kaluza-Praschl: Sure. Anyway, my dad always liked Jagger.

Abbreviation: By the way, he drank canned beer next to us. The Falco Edition from Ottakringer.

Mr. Kaluza-Praschl, Mr. Kurzel: Is there anyone you would rather meet at the sausage stand in the near future than Mr. Jagger?

Kaluza-Praschl: Well, I would be happy about Brian Molko, the placebo-Frontman. That’s more my generation.

Abbreviation: I would like to meet a time traveler at the sausage stand. And then I would send that one back and tell him to please tell my past self that if Mick Jagger was photographed, it would turn around.

More episodes of the SZ series “A call to …” can be found here.

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