Michèle Rubirola denies having participated in illegal dinners

The first deputy mayor of Marseille, Michèle Rubirola. (archives). – NICOLAS TUCAT / AFP

Accused by the independent media Blast to have also participated in clandestine dinners, the former mayor of Marseille, Michèle Rubirola, firmly denied. “It’s been a long time since I have not had an aperitif in a restaurant,” replied the elected environmentalist first deputy of the city questioned on Saturday.
through Provence. And to add: “Between noon and two, I’m at the town hall, in the evening I go straight home”.

The website argues that Michèle Rubirola “goes regularly to illegal restaurants in the city” where she would have her habits, one of which would be run by a former musician, without however specifying when the facts would have taken place. “She does not hesitate to break the rules while she is a doctor herself,” develops the media on her YouTube channel. It has been confirmed to us from various sources that she comes to have an aperitif and then eat in a group, without a mask, without any respect for barrier gestures ”.

The opposition did not wait to demand his resignation through social networks.

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