Meuthen calls for an exchange of the entire AfD leadership – politics

The outgoing AfD boss Jörg Meuthen is again on a course of confrontation with the rest of the party leadership and calls for their exchange. “The previous federal spokespersons and deputies should make way for completely new people in the AfD,” he said World on sunday. If you look at the history of the party, “you always find the same faces”.

Meuthen does not want to run for the new election of the party leadership at the party congress in December, as he has already announced. “I would like other board members to do the same,” he told the newspaper. In the past few months, Meuthen and other leading AfD politicians such as co-party leader Tino Chrupalla and deputy chairwoman Alice Weidel had repeatedly argued publicly and covered accusations.

Meuthen fears self-fulfilling prophecy

Meuthen also called for a programmatic renewal of the AfD. “We have undecided questions of fundamental importance,” he said. For example, in the AfD’s basic program, Germany’s exit from the EU is only the last resort. But the “Dexit” is called for in the Bundestag election program. “For example, I would like some clarification as to where the party stands on this issue.”

Should the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution classify the entire AfD as a suspected case, that would be “a very serious threat to the party” from Meuthen’s point of view. Above all, this could induce civil libertarian members to leave. “And that could set a development in motion in the AfD in which the suspected case classification would then become a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

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