#MeToo trial: Harvey Weinstein gets another 16 years in prison

As of: 02/23/2023 9:22 p.m

Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has been found guilty in another sexual abuse trial. Overall, the 70-year-old is now in prison for 39 years.

Former US film producer Harvey Weinstein has been sentenced to a further 16 years in prison in his second trial for sex crimes. The 70-year-old was sentenced by a Los Angeles court.

In December last year, a jury found the former Hollywood mogul guilty of three counts of sex crimes, including rape. He was acquitted on one point, and there was no agreement on three other points.

Several lawsuits against Weinstein

Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in prison in 2020 after a trial in New York for rape and sexual assault. Four women accused the former producer of sexually abusing them between 2004 and 2013.

Weinstein, who produced Pulp Fiction, Shakespeare in Love and other successful independent films, said all of his sexual encounters were consensual. He pleaded not guilty in the Los Angeles case. Weinstein will now serve his sentences one after the other.

Launch of the #MeToo debate

The first Weinstein trial in New York marked a milestone in legal history. At the time, the case had played a key role in triggering the #MeToo movement: Many women began to speak publicly about cases of abuse on Twitter. Since 2017, more than 80 women have publicly accused Weinstein of sexual assault.

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