Metformin against Alzheimer’s: A diabetes medication also helps against Alzheimer’s

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Dementia is already one of the greatest medical and social challenges.
© Tilby Vattard/plainpicture

Pill against everything, all-purpose weapon – the well-known diabetes drug metformin caused a real hype a few years ago. It was supposed to stop cancer, fight heart disease and serve as a weight loss aid (TIME No. 43/19). It has long been suspected that metformin reduces the risk of dementia. Now a new study suggests that hope was well founded.

Dementia is already one of the greatest medical and social challenges. Around 1.8 million people are sick in Germany, and the number of those affected continues to grow. After current calculations from the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) In just ten years, up to two million people over the age of 65 could be suffering from dementia. So any news about effective prevention is very welcome.

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