Météo France predicts a new heat wave in France for the beginning of August

Never two without three. After the heat wave of June, then that of the second half of July, even more intense, a new wave of heat will sweep over France. “High temperatures are expected again from Sunday. [le 31 juillet]for at least four days”, announces Jean-Yves Choplin, forecaster at Météo France. The institute does not yet know if this new heat wave will last beyond Wednesday, August 3.

Only good news on the horizon, it will probably be less intense and shorter than the previous one. “From Sunday, temperatures are expected to approach 30°C in the northern half of the country and exceed 32-33°C in the southern half”precise Jean-Yves Choplin. According to the forecaster, the mercury should rise 1 or 2°C every day until Wednesday. We will then have “over 30°C” in the north of the country and “35°C” in the south.

While the orange heat wave vigilance was lifted on Tuesday July 26 for the last departments of south-eastern France, the rest of the country was experiencing a lull in relative freshness. “The respite will be short-livedwarns Jean-Yves Choplin. Lhe Azores anticyclone, responsible for the July heat wave, returns to the territory.”

A heat dome phenomenon will again affect France, according to Météo France. “The anticyclone blocks the air and the sun warms this air always in the same place and therefore the heat remains”Explain Jean-Yves Choplin. Nevertheless, metropolitan France should escape the phenomenon of “hot pushes”which had led to temperature records being exceeded in July.

This is not the first time that France has experienced three heat waves in the same year. In 2017, four similar phenomena punctuated the summer. “It is only since 2010 that we know years with several heat waves”note however Jean-Yves Choplin. Their intensity is also increasingly predominant, according to the forecaster. That of July was the third most intense on record.

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