Melanie Lynskey: “Don’t Look Up” star fights against body shaming

Melanie Lynskey
“Don’t Look Up” star fights against body shaming

Melanie Lynskey is now dealing.

© imago/UPI Photo

She has been the victim of body shaming several times, now Melanie Lynskey is fighting back. On Twitter, she also shares against benevolent comments.

Melanie Lynskey (44) defends herself against body shaming on Twitter. The actress (“Don’t Look Up”, “Two and a Half Men”) recently reported in one Interview with the “Rolling Stone”that a crew member of her series “Yellowjackets” had advised her to lose weight. When she was asked about her body again via Twitter, she went on the offensive there.

Lynskey forwarded a now-deleted tweet by body positivity activist Ashley C. Ford and wrote about it about her experience with seemingly benevolent comments about her body.

“The story of my life since the premiere of ‘Yellowjackets,'” she wrote. “The worst are the ‘I care about her health!!’ people… Bitch, you don’t see me on my peleton! You don’t see me running through the park with my kid. Skinny doesn’t always equal healthy.”

So she is very fit and active, both on the home trainer and outside in the park.

The makers of “Yellowjacket” advised her to lose weight

In the interview with “Rolling Stone” Melanie Lynskey previously revealed that a crew member of “Yellowjacket” advised her to lose weight. “What are you planning to do? I’m sure the producers will get you a trainer. They would be happy to help you with that,” she is said to have been told.

The actors were not only bothered by the subliminal bobyshaming, but also that an overly thin figure would not have suited the role. “I thought it was important for this character to be at peace with himself, be sexual and not think or talk about that subject,” she told Rolling Stone. “Because I want women to be able to see her and say, ‘Wow, she looks like me,’ and nobody says she’s the fat one.”

Melanie Lynskey plays a woman caught up in her past in the acclaimed series. She and her friends are being blackmailed for something they did when they were teens after a plane crash.

The “Bridgerton” star is also fighting against body shaming

Nicola Coughlan (35) also recently spoke out against body shaming. The actress who plays Penelope Featherington in the hit Netflix series Bridgerton wrote on Instagram: “If you have an opinion about my body, please don’t share it with me. Most people are nice and don’t try to be offensive, but I’m only human and it’s really hard to take the weight of thousands of opinions to endure about how one looks”.


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