Medicines: Lauterbach wants to avoid new bottlenecks in children’s medicines

Lauterbach wants to avoid new bottlenecks in children’s medicines

Health Minister Lauterbach: “In this cold and flu season, concerned parents should not be standing in front of empty pharmacy shelves again.” photo

© Kay Nietfeld/dpa

A “tense supply situation” could again arise in autumn and winter for relevant children’s medicines. Health Minister Lauterbach now wants to take precautions.

Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) urges precautions against possible new bottlenecks in children’s medicines. According to current assessments, “a tense supply situation” could arise for important antibiotics and other relevant medicines for children in the coming autumn and winter, according to a letter to the pharmaceutical wholesale association, which was first reported by the Bayern media group (Thursday). The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices has created an “urgency list” with pediatric drugs with the highest priority. Lauterbach asked for the procurement and storage of these funds to be intensified.

A law had already been passed in July to more reliably avert bottlenecks in medicines, especially for children. As a safety buffer, it makes stocks of several months’ quantities for frequently used medicines compulsory. Price rules are to be relaxed to make deliveries to Germany more profitable for manufacturers. But the law needs time to take effect, Lauterbach told the Bayern media group. In order to prevent short-term bottlenecks, wholesalers should therefore already stock important medicines for children. “In this cold and flu season, concerned parents shouldn’t be faced with empty pharmacy shelves again.”


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