Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: SPD and left agree on coalition agreement

Status: 05.11.2021 9:01 p.m.

There are no longer any controversial points: the SPD and the Left have agreed on a coalition agreement. He is to be discussed at party congresses at the end of next week, the government is to be in place in mid-November.

After eight rounds of talks, the SPD and the Left in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have concluded their coalition negotiations. The negotiators, Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) and left parliamentary group leader Simone Oldenburg, spoke of fair and result-oriented discussions. The large blocks of content have been negotiated to the end, there are no more controversial points, said Schwesig. The distribution of the departments between the two parties should be discussed in the coming week.

Re-election of Schwesig planned for mid-November

After an editorial revision on the weekend, the text of the contract is to be presented to the public on Monday and sent to the party members. Extraordinary party conferences of both parties are to discuss the draft on Saturday next week. If it is approved, Schwesig wants to stand for re-election in the state parliament on November 15 and appoint her cabinet. Since the coalition negotiations went faster than originally assumed, the formation of the government can be brought forward by a week.

The coalition partners want to expand wind, solar and hydrogen energy, plant five million trees and renature moors for climate protection. Public contracts should only be awarded to companies that pay collective wages. Thousands of additional teachers are to be brought to schools in the northeastern state. In addition, the red-red coalition wants to make Women’s Day on March 8 a public holiday in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and reduce the voting age to 16 years.

The planned red-red coalition has a majority of 43 of the 79 seats in the Schwerin state parliament. The SPD has 34 and the Left has nine Landtag seats. AfD, CDU, Greens and FDP form the opposition.

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