Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Pegel strongly condemns racist attack on children

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Pegel strongly condemns racist attack on children

The Interior Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Christian Pegel. Photo

© Markus Scholz/dpa

A group of young people are said to have attacked two Ghanaian girls in Grevesmühlen. The father and one of the children were slightly injured. A xenophobic insult is also said to have been uttered.

In a suspected racist attack in Grevesmühlen (In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, a group of young people slightly injured a girl and her father. State Interior Minister Christian Pegel (SPD) condemned Friday evening’s attack in the strongest possible terms. “You don’t attack people, especially not children, and certainly not for racist reasons,” said Pegel.

According to initial police findings, the eight-year-old Ghanaian girl and her sister, who is two years older, were attacked by around 20 teenagers and adolescents on Friday at around 7:30 p.m. The attackers are said to have kicked the younger girl in the face, among other things. When the children’s parents arrived, an argument broke out. When the police arrived on the scene, one person from the group is said to have insulted the victims with xenophobic remarks as they left.

Up to eight people from the group took part in the attack, the police reported. The girl and her father were taken to hospital in an ambulance. The police are now investigating charges of breach of the peace, grievous bodily harm, incitement and insult. Officers are looking for witnesses to the incident.

Police Internet Watch PM dated 15 June 2024


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