Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Grevesmühlen incident presents itself differently

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
The Grevesmühlen incident presents itself differently

According to investigators, the eight-year-old girl was unharmed in the incident in Grevesmühlen. Photo

© Bernd Wüstneck/dpa

After evaluating videos and photos, investigators believe the incident involving two children from Ghana is different from what was initially described.

The incident involving two girls from Ghana in Grevesmühlen in Mecklenburg now presents itself to investigators differently than was initially described. After evaluating video recordings, the Rostock police headquarters announced on Monday evening: “According to the current status of the investigation, the eight-year-old girl has not suffered any physical injuries that would indicate the crime described in the initial report.” The police had initially reported that the girl had been kicked in the face, among other things. This sparked outrage across the country.

The child had been out and about in the Mecklenburg town with her ten-year-old sister on Friday evening. Investigators announced on Monday evening that, according to the current state of the investigation, the eight-year-old wanted to ride past a young person on her scooter. “The young person apparently blocked the girl’s path with his outstretched leg and hit her with the tip of his foot.” At that time, a large group of young people were in the area. The children then turned to their parents, frightened and crying.

The girls’ parents wanted to confront the teenagers, the police said. This led to verbal and physical altercations. “Xenophobic insults were also expressed.” The police initially reported that the eight-year-old child and the father had been slightly injured. The information about the father remained unchanged.

The ten-person investigative team led by the State Security Service, which was set up after the incident, had asked the public for information. The police then received photos and video recordings, among other things. The investigation is still ongoing, it was said.


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