Markt Schwaben takes part in the Bavarian Blühpakt – Ebersberg

Markt Schwaben should flourish and receive more natural, insect-friendly areas. The market town has successfully applied for a “starter kit” with the so-called Blühpakt Bayern. In Bavaria, 256 municipalities had submitted an application, in Upper Bavaria there were 60 municipalities. 20 of them are now getting a chance and will receive 5,000 euros as financial start-up support and advice.

District President Konrad Schober is pleased with the lively interest: “The large number of applications submitted for the project shows how important it is for the Upper Bavarian municipalities to create near-natural, insect-friendly areas. With the starter kit, we can make an important contribution to the preservation of the biological Provide diversity within the framework of the Bavarian Biodiversity Strategy.”

The Blühpakt advisor to the government of Upper Bavaria, Regina Gerecht, will provide the municipalities with technical support and support, for example in the design and maintenance of the new living spaces, the networking of the municipalities with each other and in public relations. On the new network map of the Bavarian Blühpakt, the commitment of the municipalities is presented to the public and the course of the respective measures is also shown.

The Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection is investing a total of half a million euros to support the 100 selected municipalities with regard to the development, upgrading and new planting of flowering and meadow orchards, wild perennial areas, flowering roadsides and hedges, green roofs and facades and public relations. The aim of the project is a trend reversal of the massive insect mortality in recent decades. This will only succeed if new habitats with food sources, breeding and wintering sites for native wild bees, beetles and butterflies are created and preserved in the long term. The municipalities have an outstanding position with their numerous, diverse areas, since they can implement targeted measures for insect protection in parks and roadsides.

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