Marius plays the emotion card with “Les Chansons d’amour”

He is the emotion card of the French selection for Eurovision 2022, which will be broadcast on Saturday, live on France 2. Marius, 22, will perform love songs. A track he co-wrote with Igit, also co-author of Here is, the title with which Barbara Pravi took second place in Eurovision last year. Does a similar fate await him in May, in Turin (Italy), where will the 2022 edition take place? It would be a new chapter in the beautiful story that the happy coincidences punctuating the life of the young artist seem determined to write.

Originally from Lyon, he first went through the choir box, at the age of 12, then through the stage of the conservatory, before settling in Paris at the age of majority to join a school of musical comedy. “I stopped after a year and a half, he explains to 20 minutes. This is where I got closer to French song. In his cramped student studio, he made his first compositions on the keyboard, installed at the end of his bed. He hangs out in the bars of the capital and takes the time to build his team.

Last year, he posted on his Instagram account a cover of bad boy of Yseult. Igit sends him a private message. “He told me that he liked my world, that he would like to work with me. It touched me very much, ”says the recipient. A few weeks later, Marius goes to the Yseult concert, with the intention of meeting Nino Vella – also a member of the Rouquine duo – who accompanies the singer on the piano. He takes his courage in both hands, goes to see him, and says to him: “I would like us to work together. By Marius’ own admission, the pianist is a bit disconcerted, but that’s when Nino Vella’s manager, who is also Igit’s manager, arrives and declares to him that he has actually heard of him. Things stay there.

“I had never listened to French songs before having a heartache”

And then, some time later still, the producer of Marius goes to a label to present the young artist’s project. We advise him to go to the next office where the manager of Igit is. The coincidences are too numerous not to see a sign in them. Also, when the casting team ofEurovision France contacts Igit in September to find out if he has a song or an artist to suggest, he thinks of Marius.

“My first instinct was to say no, because Eurovision seemed too big, huge, unreal to me, confides Marius. And then I thought and I said to myself: “We’ll see. If the song sounds like me and I like it, let’s go!” »

Appointment is made in a troquet near the Gare du Nord, in Paris. Time is counted. Igit asks Marius to tell him his story, his journey. “I told him that at the start, my musical tastes were more Rihanna and Beyoncé and that I had never really listened to French songs before experiencing a heartbreak. He replied that it was too funny. »

“A Different Intensity”

Barely ten minutes after leaving the bar, Igit sends him the beginning of a text. “We made the song in a week, specifies Marius. The version that came out is the first vocal take. » He specifies that this studio version is « softer, more calm », than the one he will perform live: « I first constructed myself as an artist for the stage. On the set ofEurovision France, I want to bring a different intensity. »

Among the other titles in the selection, mostly pop, Love songs stands out and has a real card to play. “Saturday, I want to do a performance of which I will be proud, which touches people, he assures. We managed to have a very good release on the track: 45,000 streams in three days, it’s crazy for a first song! »

Marius passed his audition in January with the impression of “coming out of nowhere”. Whether or not his career goes through Eurovision, the emotions he is able to deliver could take him anywhere and very far.

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