Mariupol does not capitulate, Germany seeks non-Russian gas and Hong Kong reopens

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

Ukraine does not intend to fold. The country will not “lay down its arms and will not leave the besieged city” of Mariupol, its Deputy Prime Minister told Ukrainian media overnight from Sunday to Monday, in response to the ultimatum posed by Russia. The Russian Ministry of Defense had indeed called on Ukraine to “lay down its arms” and demanded a “written response” to its ultimatum before 5 a.m. Monday, in the name of safeguarding the inhabitants and infrastructure of the city of Mariupol. . On the ground, the situation is still catastrophic. The Greek consul in Mariupol thus compared the besieged and bombarded city to Guernica.

With the war in Ukraine, Germany is seeking to reduce its dependence on Russian gas as quickly as possible. With this in mind, Berlin has pledged to “accelerate” the construction of two liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals as part of a long-term energy agreement with Qatar. This agreement was reached during a visit to Doha by Robert Habeck. The German Minister of Economy and Climate is also due to visit the United Arab Emirates. European countries increasingly rely on LNG as an alternative to Russian gas. The issue is particularly important for Germany, half of whose gas imports come from Russia.

Hong Kong is loosening the screw a bit. The city will resume international flights from nine countries from April, local chief executive Carrie Lam announced on Monday. After the appearance in the financial center of the Omicron variant in January, the authorities had banned flights from eight countries: France, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, the Philippines, the Pakistan and India, before adding Nepal in February. Problem: these restrictions have not curbed the spread of the virus. The flight ban is therefore “no longer appropriate”. Pragmatic, Carrie Lam indeed notes that “the epidemic situation in these countries is not worse than that of Hong Kong”.

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