Marion Maréchal meets Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen; left-wing parties gathered to discuss possible union

The #NousToutes collective and other feminist associations call for “the union of the left”

Feminist associations called on Monday for a union of the left during the early legislative elections in order to beat the far right, which, according to them, represents a threat to the rights of women and the LGBTQIA + community.

“For women, LGBTQIA+ people, children and marginalized groups, the accession to power by the far right on July 7 will no longer come down to issues of rights, but indeed of survival”writes the collective #NousToutes. “No more question of “blocking”, it is the union of the left that we are demanding”For “a feminist, social, anti-racist, ecological cohabitation”he underlines in a press release.

“We must (…) draw inspiration from what Spain has been able to do by building a coalition of the forces of the left and ecology. We cannot resign ourselves to the red carpet that the President of the Republic rolls out for the far right”affirms for its part the association Choosing the cause of women.

“Faced with this extremely serious situation, the responsibility of the left and ecology is historic: what unites us is stronger than what divides us”affirms this association, calling on the parties to “find a way to present a unique list together” around “social, ecological, feminist and anti-racist values”.

Without commenting on a union of the left, the collective Dare feminism! asserts for his part that “no vote should go to the extreme right” on June 30 and July 7, because its deputies “will do everything to reduce the rights of women, LGBTQIA+ people, immigrants, foreigners, the poor”.

Family Planning said it was on its side “overwhelmed” by the results of far-right parties during the European elections, particularly in France. “Their anti-choice, anti-feminist, racist and hateful political project endangers the actions of Family Planning associations towards all the people we receive”he says, while promising to continue “its actions on the ground to defend and allow everyone to have control over their own body”.

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