Marietta Slomka: No social media because of mental hygiene

Marietta Slomka
No social media because of mental hygiene

Marietta Slomka cannot be found on social networks.

© imago/Future Image

Marietta Slomka also avoids social media because of her job as a moderator.

Marietta Slomka (52) does without a social media presence for the hygiene of her psyche, as she told the Deutsche Bahn magazine.

“This gives others a very large stage, also for personal insults and propaganda,” said the moderator and journalist in an interview. According to Slomka, having her own account on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram would also put her under pressure professionally. “With that comes the pressure to constantly communicate actively and just not to make mistakes in my professional role.”

job has changed

She made her career choice early on – at the age of ten, when she visited the “Kölner Stadtanzeiger”. In the meantime, her job has changed: “Nothing is sent anymore, error tolerance has become lower. Discussions, questions and comments are made.”

Even the hate today is no comparison to before. “Today we are a projection screen for people who want to let off steam or use us for their political and ideological purposes.”

She has never regretted her career choice, Slomka also clarified. But: “If I were to switch to this public job again today as a very young editor, I would have a few more concerns than I had 20 years ago.”


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