Marco Buschmann wants to enable co-motherhood for lesbian couples

change in law
Buschmann wants to make co-motherhood possible for lesbian couples

Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann wants lesbian couples to be considered equal mothers before the law (archive photo)

© Kay Nietfeld / DPA

Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann also wants to have co-motherhood recognized by law and thus strengthen the rights of lesbian couples. It must become the norm for two mothers to be recognized as parents.

It could be a big step towards equality: Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann (FDP) wants to legally recognize so-called co-motherhood.

Buschmann told the “Rheinische Post” and the “General-Anzeiger” (Friday edition): “If a child is born into a marriage between a man and a woman, the man – regardless of biological paternity – is legally the father. The question is why it should be any different in a marriage between two women.”

Marco Buschmann: “It is crucial that two people take care of the child”

What is decisive for him is “that two people take care of the child, donate love and security, and also legally stand up for the child as a community”.

In his opinion, it must therefore become the norm for both mothers in a marriage to be “recognized as parents in the sense of a shared motherhood”. Buschmann added: “However, we must not lose sight of the rights of the biological father.”

A reform of the law of descent has been in the works for some time. There is currently no legal regulation for a married woman couple on parenthood. The constitutional court in Karlsruhe is also dealing with this fact.


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