Many people no longer want to do these things even after Corona

Many people no longer want to do these things after Corona

Shake hands? No thank you.

© alvarez / Getty Images

Five times a week with the full S-Bahn to the office? Going to work despite having a cold? These are just some of the things that many people think they unconsciously did for the last time before Corona.

The corona pandemic has changed our lives, in many respects possibly forever. On the net, people now exchanged ideas about the changes they will take with them in the post-Covid-19 era. Because not everything that was completely normal before Corona was also good. Many people want to continue doing without a lot.

On the online platform Reddit, users now exchanged ideas about what things they will probably never do again, even if Corona should one day no longer pose a threat.

What do people never want to do again?

Many of the statements revolve around the subject of work. The user “Beraleh” wrote, for example, that he would never again “commute to work for an hour and a half every day, five times a week, to sit in the office, write emails and make phone calls”. He had been to the office twice since the pandemic and was amazed at how much time he had wasted on the way and on site. He works more effectively at home and saves time on the way to work. “Apexmisser” writes that he will never go back to work even though he is sick. And user “Specific-noise123” adds that he “never wants to feel bad again when I call in sick”.

The user “karenhater12345” writes that she will miss the many restaurant delivery offers after the pandemic. “My two favorite restaurants refused to offer pick-up or delivery – until the pandemic hit. I really hope they don’t end it again. I love the food, but I’m happy to be able to eat it at home with the family without a bunch of strangers around us. ” And “eDgAR” wishes: “I want contactless delivery to continue to be an option!”

Workplace and hygiene

When it comes to personal hygiene and closeness to other people, new rules have probably been burned into them over the past two years. “In any case, I am very careful what I touch and who I come closer to. When I’m outside, I stay away from others and touch as little as possible,” says user “karmagod13000”. And Peach_is_sweet explains, “I’ll probably have a lifelong habit of disinfecting my hands every time I get in my car and washing them as soon as I walk into my house. Not that I haven’t washed my hands before.” would have – but now I definitely pay more attention to it and do it more often. “

Other Reddit users are primarily reflecting on their busy schedule before the pandemic – and don’t want to go back there. “I had a non-stop-on-the-go-on-on-on schedule. Now I understand why I was so frustrated all the time. I was completely burned out and never had time to myself. I never say so many social activities, appointments from the again Work or other stuff too. I can’t imagine myself tearing myself apart like that again, “writes” charrosebry “, for example. And “insecure-potato” says: “The night life. This pandemic has ensured that I prefer to stay at home on Friday evening and do nothing. No obligation to go out with friends. No FOMO. Just me, play games all night and in the morning wake up without a hangover. “

Sources: Reddit


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