Manchester United pro charged with attempted rape – Sport

Manchester United’s English soccer player Mason Greenwood has been charged with attempted rape, assault and coercion. This was announced by the British public prosecutor on Saturday.

Greater Manchester Police have been authorized to arrest the 21-year-old for allegedly breaching his bail conditions, Janet Potter, the deputy chief prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service North West, confirmed in a statement on Saturday. According to the announcement, Greenwood’s case will be heard in Manchester Magistrates’ Court from Monday.

The striker was arrested in January on suspicion of rape and assault after his girlfriend posted pictures and videos on Instagram showing injuries. There was also audio recordings of Greenwood allegedly attempting to force the woman to perform sexual acts. The posts were later deleted. Since then he has been out on bail. Greenwood is accused of contacting his alleged victim.

Manchester United suspended Greenwood in January shortly after the allegations against him became public. Since then he has not been allowed to play or train with the English football champions.

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