Man suspected of firing formally accused by his indicted friend

One of the indicted in the investigation for the murder of the police officer in Avignon designates the alleged perpetrator as the culprit. (Drawing) – Nicolas Tucat / AP / SIPA

The second individual indicted in the investigation for the murder of Eric Masson has confessed. Aged 20, he acknowledged his presence at the scene of the tragedy on Wednesday, where a banal control operation on a narcotics point of sale led to the death of the police officer, said the prosecutor of Avignon, Philippe Guémas, at a press conference. “And he confirmed” that the person with him during their arrest, “is the one who shot Brigadier Eric Masson.”

The man suspected of having fired was indicted for intentional homicide on a person holding public authority, but also attempted murder on a person holding public authority, in this case the police colleague of Eric Masson during this control Wednesday, around 6.30 pm, in the heart of the city of the Popes: “It seems that he also shot him, without reaching him,” said Philippe Guémas. The young man totally disputes the facts with which he is accused.

Not an accomplice, but a witness

The other young man, aged 20, arrested Sunday evening with him at the Remoulins tollbooth (Gard) was indicted for non-assistance to anyone in danger and concealment of a criminal. “Briefly and abusively presented as the accomplice” of the shooter, he would only have attended the scene, without participating, said the magistrate.

Insisting on the fact that “the investigation is far from over” and would last “for many months”, the Avignon prosecutor announced the placement in police custody of a fifth person, the owner of the premises where they would have taken refuge before attempting to flee to Spain.

The flight to Spain “is no longer a guess”

Arrested Sunday evening at 10:30 p.m. at the toll booth in a vehicle driven by a man in his fifties, the two indicted were trying to reach Spain, confirmed Philippe Guémas: “It is a proven fact , it is no longer a supposition ”, he insisted, speaking of“ concrete elements ”and in particular of“ an address in Spain ”where they were supposed to take refuge.

Regarding the driver of the car, “it is a priori out of the question”, added the representative of the prosecution, explaining that he did not know who he was transporting. Also placed in police custody for a while, the sister of the main suspect was also released on Tuesday.



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