Man sentenced to twenty-five years in prison for killing his ex-girlfriend

The Assize Court of Val-de-Marne on Friday sentenced to 25 years of criminal imprisonment a man tried for the murder of his ex-partner, killed in the street with 17 stab wounds after an argument “around the sound of the television ”. This 36-year-old man, born in Ivory Coast and arrived in France in 2013, was found guilty of “willfully committing violence resulting in the death” of his ex-partner, of having “intended to kill ”and“ willfully attempt to kill ”the victim’s sister, stabbed several times.

The court followed the requisitions of the Advocate General. The feminicide took place at Champigny-sur-Marne, in the parking lot of a building, on the night of September 12 to 13, 2018. It was preceded, according to the investigation, by an argument and a fight “because of the noise of the television” in the common apartment. “This switch to horror, only the accused is responsible” because “he wanted to impose a correction” on the two victims, estimated the general counsel on Friday morning, describing a “surge of violence” and “the horror of relentlessness ”.

“It is only the accused who swings into anger, an anger that he cannot control”

According to a dozen eyewitnesses, this service station “manager” stabbed the victim several times in the parking lot. She presented 17 wounds on the body, including ten on the level of the thorax and the abdomen. For the public prosecutor, “to turn on the television again will be a spark for him”: “It is only the accused who swings into anger, an anger that he does not control”, added the magistrate. The couple, “emotionally” separated for about six months, lived in the same apartment with their daughter, as well as the victim’s son, sister and daughter.

The accused, who denies the facts, has always claimed to have been the victim of violence. At the time of the tragedy, “he was not in a state which could allow him to keep control of his nerves,” assured his lawyer, Me Hosni Maati. “I want him to recognize, it’s going to relieve me and all my family, that’s all,” the victim’s sister said in court on Wednesday, before continuing: “I regret watching TV tonight. -the. “

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