Man in wheelchair suspected of murder in Gap indicted

Illustration of justice. . – Pixabay

The man in a wheelchair, suspected of having killed his neighbor who was also disabled on Saturday in Gap, in the Hautes-Alpes, was indicted for murder. “The judge of freedoms and detention ordered his placement in pre-trial detention in a prison adapted to his physical and mental difficulties,” said Eric Vaillant about this 65-year-old man known until then in the courts for minor offenses and neighborhood disturbances.

The facts took place shortly after noon on Saturday in the lobby of a building in the Cedars district, located south of the city. The victim, also a 65-year-old man, was shot in the chest and died before help arrived.

In conflict over a parking space

A second bullet impact was found on the glass door of the building by the forensic identity technicians (IJ) of the Marseille judicial police. The primary suspect was in a wheelchair following a stroke. Since this health problem, “his behavior has changed”, slips a source close to the file.

The victim, like the accused, had an invalid parking card. The two men were in conflict over a parking space in the residence, reserved for this purpose but which obviously did not belong to either of them. A new argument allegedly erupted on the morning of the murder.

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