Mallorca freezes the number of tourist beds for the next few years

No new hotels in the Balearic Islands
Mallorca freezes the number of tourist beds for the next few years

The stop for holiday accommodation and hotels is to be on the four Balearic Islands of Ibiza, Menorca, Formentera and Mallorca. The picture shows a hotel in Palma from the summer of 2021, when 200 students were housed here in compulsory Corona quarantine.

© Isaac Buj/EUROPA PRESS/dpa

The head of the regional government on the Balearic Islands wants to focus on quality instead of quantity in tourism. Her suggestion is not only met with enthusiasm.

In order to limit mass tourism, the Spanish regional government in the Balearic Islands has put an increase in the number of tourist beds on hold for the time being. The aim of the measure is to focus on “quality instead of quantity”, Prime Minister Francina Armengol said on Twitter on Friday. It is a “tourism, social and environmental model of the future”.

The stop applies to holiday accommodation and hotels on the four Balearic Islands of Ibiza, Menorca, Formentera and Mallorca. It will initially remain in force until 2026. After the four-year period has expired, each island can independently determine the number of new accommodations, Armengol explained.

The government must “think not only of the visitors, but also of the residents and workers,” added the head of government. There was criticism from the opposition party Partido Popular (PP). The party criticized, among other things, that the step was taken by decree and without a “debate” in parliament.

Known in particular for its beaches and picturesque coves, the Balearic Islands are the second most visited region in Spain after Catalonia. Before the outbreak of the corona pandemic, the archipelago had a record 16.4 million visitors in 2019. In 2021, the number of tourists fell to 8.7 million.

Also look at the following series of photos:

– The Canfranc ghost station awakens from its slumber and becomes a luxury hotel

– Mallorca day and night: Tourists celebrate so blatantly at Ballermann

– Hot craft: With the last glassblowers on Mallorca

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