Maischberger with Carla Hinrichs, Philipp Amthor and Frank Elstner – Media

Public television, the critics are right about that, can’t help but be taught. With Sandra Maischberger, you were once again taught with a wooden hammer that being human is simply nicer. It was just about the climate catastrophe, i.e. about possible remedies through speed limits and the continued operation of nuclear power plants, about CO₂ emissions and less heating, but suddenly it’s no longer a bad thing when someone flies around the world. It’s the “television legend” Frank Elstner and for a good cause, for these beautiful pictures: How the legend swims with the sharks almost without fear, hugs orangutans and bursts into tears at the sight of a family of mountain gorillas. “Anyone who doesn’t cry is a fool,” says Elstner, and who wants to be a fool?

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