“Maischberger”: Former Federal President Wulff for talks with the BSW – Media

On Maischberger, Christian Wulff criticizes Friedrich Merz. And in the discussion with Boris Palmer, Janine Wissler shows why the Left is hardly salvageable on its way to political insignificance.

It is rare for former Federal Presidents to interfere in current political debates, but it is a taboo that everyone says: How can he? No, that is not it. Joachim Gauck, for example, has spoken out quite loudly on the topics of migration and the war in Ukraine in recent months. On Tuesday evening, Christian Wulff did the same on the talk show “Maischberger”. The studio and the moderator somehow seem to inspire the former Federal President. Exactly a year ago, he was there and made a passionate appeal against the passivity of those who always complain about everything but then stay home during elections.

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