Macron’s election campaign starts quietly. Refusal – says the opposition. – Politics


Nadia Pantel, Paris

The way to the president leads past daisies and primroses to the event center made of corrugated iron. Although – it is the way to the candidate. French President Emmanuel Macron is still far from the flowers this Monday evening, he is sitting in the Élysée Palace in a video conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, American President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. “The conversation is over,” reports the Élysée press team when citizens, members of parliament and journalists have already taken their seats in the cultural center of Poissy, a town of 40,000. Shortly thereafter, Macron will set off from Paris, in a police convoy 25 kilometers to the west, until he arrives at the flowers of Poissy. The president becomes a candidate, it is Macron’s first public campaign appearance.

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