Macron and Sissi “stress the absolute need to put an end to hostilities”

Emmanuel Macron has spoken out strongly against violence between Israel and Gaza – Ludovic MARIN / AFP

French Presidents Emmanuel Macron and Egyptian Presidents Abdel Fattah-Al-Sissi together stressed this Monday “the absolute need to end hostilities” in the Middle East, “shared their strong concern at the escalation of violence in progress and deplored the many civilian victims, ”announced the Elysee.

At the end of a bilateral meeting, the French president “renewed his support for Egyptian mediation” and the two heads of state agreed “to continue to coordinate to promote a rapid ceasefire and prevent the conflict does not extend, ”added the Elysee. A mediation is underway which includes Egypt, Jordan as well as Germany, with the support of France, specified Monday morning the spokesman of the government Gabriel Attal on RTL.

The whole executive in action

According to diplomatic sources, the UN began on Monday, with the help of Qatar and Egypt, a mediation to obtain a de-escalation. “There has been a diplomatic offensive in recent days, which will continue in the coming hours. We support the idea of ​​Egyptian mediation because both Egyptians and Jordanians speak to everyone in the region, ”explained Gabriel Attal. “Our objectives are first of all the ceasefire as quickly as possible and then the ability to find a lasting stabilization solution for the region. This is what we are going to work on, in particular with the Egyptians, the Jordanians and the Germans, ”added Gabriel Attal.

The French Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian recalled for his part that “the response to these unacceptable attacks must remain proportionate, within the framework of international law”, indicated the Quai d’Orsay. He also declared that “the safety of journalists and all those whose expression contributes to free information and public debate, as well as their protection in times of conflict, is an essential responsibility”, in response to the Israeli attack. which destroyed a building in Gaza that housed offices for al-Jazeera and Associated Press media.

Call for a return to peace

On Friday, Emmanuel Macron called for a “return to peace” in the Middle East, stressing during an interview with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Israel’s “right to defend itself” while saying “his concern about civilian populations in Gaza ”.

On Thursday, he spoke with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and “strongly condemned the shooting claimed by Hamas and other terrorist groups” while offering “his condolences” for the “numerous losses of Palestinian civilians resulting from the operations. military and ongoing clashes with Israel ”.

Egypt, which has signed a peace treaty with Israel and shares its border with Gaza, regularly mediates conflicts between Israel and the Palestinians. This bilateral meeting between Emmanuel Macron and Fattah-Al-Sisi took place just before the start of an international conference on debt relief for Sudan in Paris, which brings together several African, European and Gulf leaders as well as representatives of ‘International organisations.

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