Luge athlete Felix Loch: “You shouldn’t have given the Olympics to Beijing”

Status: 01/13/2022 11:03 p.m

The luger Felix Loch fears very “difficult conditions” at the Olympic Winter Games in China. Basically, it was a mistake to give the games to Beijing, said Loch inden daily topics.

The three-time Olympic champion in luge Felix Loch thinks it was a wrong decision to have given the 2022 Winter Olympics to Beijing. In an interview with the ARDDaily Topics Loch said that many years ago, when it came to awarding the games to Beijing, one should not have decided to do so.

Many years before that, one could see “that nothing is changing when it comes to human rights” and media freedom. That’s why it was clear from the start “that it would be very, very difficult”. “And what we are now experiencing with Corona does not make the whole thing any easier,” he added.

Olympic luge champion Felix Loch in conversation with Caren Miosga about the Winter Games in Beijing

daily topics 10:15 p.m., 13.1.2022

Loch showed sympathy for the diplomatic boycott of the Games announced by several countries including the US and UK. He would welcome it if Germany decided to do the same, he emphasized.

Only such a diplomatic boycott makes sense. It is not a boycott by the athletes. He is against giving the athletes the responsibility for something changing. Many athletes have “only one chance to go to the Olympics” and this chance should not be taken away from them.

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