Lose weight by running: the most important tips from science

That’s what science says: This is how you motivate yourself to run – and lose weight at the same time

The dream of losing weight. Many take up running to lose weight. That’s a good idea – but you have to understand the processes in the body and make them your own.

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Running can help you lose weight. But not in the way many expect. If you follow these tips, you can lose weight successfully. A guide.

Running burns calories. Just like swimming or cycling. The big advantage of running training is that you hardly need any tools for it. You don’t have to pay attention to the opening hours of the swimming pool. Doesn’t need an expensive bike. A pair of simple running shoes, a pair of trousers and a shirt – and off you go. You can run in warm weather, even when it’s cold, raining or snowing. With friends or alone. It’s basically always and everywhere. The hurdles are low. The following formula applies: anyone can run.

That’s why running is the best sport if you want to lose weight. Sure, the basis for success is a healthy diet based on lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. This has now been well documented in numerous studies. A big problem, however, is that beginners in particular overestimate how many calories the training actually burns. And then think you can eat a lot more than you burned calories. The phenomenon is also widespread that, especially at the beginning, many people gain weight instead of losing weight. The frustration is then programmed. As a rule of thumb, you burn about 100 calories per 1.5 kilometers. (You can get yours here consumption calculate). The goal is to burn a little more calories this way than you’re reloading from the diet. That’s why it’s important not to devour the whole bar of chocolate after the run.

The running speed determines the calorie consumption

Running speed also affects calorie consumption. Of course, sprints use more energy. On the other hand, if you prefer to run slowly, you simply have to plan more time for the same effect. One study has also shown that runners burn more calories than walkers. This is probably due to the so-called afterburn effect. This means that the body continues to convert more energy even after training.

Interval training (four minutes maximum effort, three minutes rest) seems to be particularly effective. According to investigation the effect achieved with this method was almost 30 percent higher than with moderate running. HIIT training, which is characterized by extremely high but short-term stress, has proven to be particularly effective in reducing unhealthy belly fat. And the more intense the training, the more intense the afterburn effect.

A very good and important addition to running training if you want to lose weight is strength training. On the one hand, it strengthens the body and thus protects against injuries. But muscle has the quirk of burning significantly more calories than fat, even at rest. So you can sit on the sofa after a successful strength training – and have the certainty that you can still lose weight.

Perhaps one of the most beautiful effects of running is that it improves your mood. Isn’t that a good reason to lace up your sports shoes, especially in stressful times like these? When you run, your body activates all sorts of messenger substances that have a positive effect on our mood. There are now all sorts of experts who believe that regular running training could prevent the development of numerous mental illnesses such as depression. A training plan is also an important part of treating depressive patients these days. In order to feel the effect, it is worth consciously listening to yourself after the next run and figuring out how you are feeling.

It is difficult to give a general recommendation as to when the best running time is. There are many individual factors that are important. But there are many good arguments in favor of a morning jog. If you run early, you do the work right at the beginning, so to speak. So nothing can come between you and keep you from training. Plus: The early training makes you start the day more optimistic and cheerful, which in turn positive can affect work and communication with colleagues.

A small study with 48 women showed that those who exercised in the morning consumed fewer calories on average during the day and were therefore able to lose more weight. Whether training with or without breakfast is better is still the subject of intense debate. There is still no conclusive answer to this question.

Why sleep is important for weight loss

Another topic that you might not immediately think of when it comes to running and weight: good and sufficient sleep. It is very clear that a lack of sleep is permanent overweight leads. Because the additional stress of the lack of rest puts a strain on the body, resulting in more food being eaten. Exercise in the fresh air is a very good way to sleep better. In particular, running at a moderate to intense pace improves sleep quality. However, when training in the evening, it is important to leave enough space between running and going to bed. After that, the body needs some time to switch back from the state of excitement to relaxation.

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