Lose 10 kilos in just 2 weeks

France is known for its butter croissants, cream sauces and sumptuous cheese platters. But we don’t usually think of these things when it comes to diets. Now a diet developed in France, the so-called Thonon diet, promises rapid weight loss in a short period of time. How does this diet work and is there a risk of side effects? Tips for healthy weight loss with the diet can be found here.

What is the Thonon diet?

The Thonon diet has been circulating on the Internet for several years now, as it is considered one of the most effective Diets in the world. It is said to be possible to lose up to 10 kilos in 14 days. However, very few people know that the Thonon diet was invented in the land of pleasure. The diet takes its name from the French spa town of Thonon-les-Bains. In the hospital there, a doctor developed an effective method so that his overweight patients could quickly lose a lot of weight before a medical procedure. The success of the method made the diet known beyond the borders of France.

How does the Thonon diet work?

The Thonon diet is based on a very low-calorie Diet. Carbohydrates and fat are avoided, but proteins are the main part of the diet. This extreme Low carb-Diet leads to rapid weight loss and makes the Thonon diet a so-called crash diet.

The Thonon diet is divided into two phases. You start with the Weight loss phasewhich lasts two weeks. Only 600 to 800 calories per day are allowed. Since the average calorie requirement of a woman is around 2,000 calories per day, the body reaches the limits of what is possible here. Since the diet is also very one-sided and low in nutrients, this phase cannot be carried out for longer than 14 days.

After the weight loss phase, the Stabilization phaseFor every kilo you lose, you have to add a week of stabilization. That’s why 10 kilos in 14 days is misleading, because including the stabilization phase, the diet takes much longer. In this second phase, women are allowed to consume around 1,200 calories per day. This phase is important so that the fat cells don’t fill up again immediately and the yo-yo effect doesn’t occur.

This is the Thonon Diet Plan

In both phases of the Thonon diet, three Meals per day, with breakfast consisting mainly of liquids. The first phase with only 600 to 800 calories per day must be well planned, because that is quickly reached. You should not consume more than 20 grams per day. carbohydrates Proteins and fats are allowed, whether saturated or unsaturated. In any case, Count calories hip, trendy, popular.

Which foods are allowed?

  • Coffee without milk and sugar, tea, lots of water
  • Eggs
  • Lean meat like steak or chicken and cooked ham.
  • Low-fat Fish
  • Vegetables
  • salad
  • whole grain productsFruit and berries only in moderation

The original meal plans of the Thonon diet are not vegetarian or vegan However, you can still use the method if you are vegan or vegetarian. Then you have to replace meat and fish with protein-rich, plant-based foods such as tofu or avocado.

This is what your diet plan could look like

day 1

Breakfast: black coffee, tea without sweetener, water.

Lunch: Two cooked Eggs with salad or steamed vegetables.

Dinner: Steak (about 200 grams) with vegetables.

day 2

Breakfast: black coffee, tea without sweetener, water.

Lunch: Two boiled eggs with lettuce or tomatoes. Note: If you dress your salad with oil, you may have to cut back on dinner. Every calorie counts!

Dinner: low-fat fish such as cod with Vegetables or salad.

Day 3

Breakfast: black coffee, tea without sweetener, Water.

Lunch: natural yoghurt or low-fat cottage cheese with fruits.

Dinner: two boiled eggs or boiled Ham with a small slice of wholemeal bread.

Day 4

Breakfast: black coffee, tea without sweeteners, water. You can add a slice of rye bread, for example, but that will add 40 to 50 calories to your daily account.

Lunch: an egg with boiled or raw Carrots. And a small piece of cheese.

Dinner: fruit with natural yoghurt.

Day 5

Breakfast: black coffee, tea without sweetener, water, some grated carrots.

Lunch: low-fat fish in Vegetable broth with tomatoes or carrots.

Dinner: egg white omelette with vegetables and green salad.

Day 6

Breakfast: black coffee, tea without sweetener, water, a slice of wholemeal bread.

Lunch: fried chicken breast with celery or salad.

Dinner: two boiled eggs with raw or boiled carrots.

Day 7

Breakfast: black coffee, tea without sweetener, water.

Lunch: steamed fish with celery or salad.

Dinner/Cheat meal: According to some sources, the last dinner of the week can be an exceptional dinner. You can eat whatever you want, but not too much and no glass of wine with it.

After day 7, you have to repeat the program for another week. Of course, you can swap or change the dishes, but you always have to pay attention to the total calories.

In the stabilization phase, you can increase your calories to 1,200, but you should still stay low carb. This means, for example, you can spread margarine on your breakfast bread, dress your salad with oil and even eat a potato now and then. Fruit allowed at every meal. But here too, nothing works without the calorie calculator.

If you don’t eat meat or animal products, you can replace the products with protein-rich, plant-based foods such as tofu on the Thonon diet.

In the clip: This is why visceral belly fat is so dangerous

Is the Thonon diet healthy?

With the Thonon diet you lose a lot of weight in a short time. That may sound good at first, but a Crash diet is never beneficial for your body in the long run. Any diet that severely restricts your calorie intake sets off an alarm bell in your body. It gets less energy than usual, so it slows down and uses less. When the diet is over and you give your body more calories again, it is not convinced that you will not take them away again, so it tries to store as much as possible. The notorious Jojo effect begins. Since the calorie intake is still limited in the stabilization phase, this effect cannot be completely counteracted. In addition, such a rapid weight loss often only relates to your water reserves and less to the Fat pads.

It is not for nothing that supplements are often recommended in the Thonon diet, because it is not a balanced diet and is bad for the long term. HealthPure protein diets such as the Thonon diet, the keto diet or the Dukan diet do not provide the body with enough nutrients, especially Dietary fiber miss. Vitamins and Minerals are also very limited. Deficiency symptoms can occur over time, which is why the weight loss phase of the Thonon diet should not last longer than 14 days.

What side effects can there be with the Thonon diet?

Healthy people can usually cope well with the short-term stress of a crash diet. However, if you restrict your calorie intake for a longer period of time, health problems can arise. The cells in your body are not supplied with enough nutrients, which puts it under stress and Diseases The defense against pathogens no longer works properly and your body is weakened. This makes sport and even simple physical activity very strenuous.

The Thonon diet can also have a negative psychological effect, as it is a great mental challenge. Such a low calorie and carbohydrate intake will not bring your metabolism Thyroid hormones in particular react sensitively to any change, which can lead to mood swings, fatigue and a lower Stress resistance In addition, the meals are very simple and not satisfying. This does not improve the mood, promotes Food cravings and makes it difficult to keep going. There is a high chance that you will give up halfway through and gain weight again due to the yo-yo effect, which has no positive effect on your state of mind.

Lose weight healthily with the Thonon diet: These are our tips

If you want to follow the Thonon diet, you should stick to the prescribed 14-day weight loss phase and not extend it under any circumstances. It also makes sense to relax the strict guidelines a little to make the diet more balanced.

However, if you want to lose weight in a long-term and healthy way, a crash diet is not a good idea. To do this, you need to Nutrition change your diet, adapt your mindset and, ideally, exercise daily. A weekly weight loss of 0.5 to 1 kilogram is considered healthy and is easier to maintain in the long term. With these tips, you can do it:

  • Eat regularly and don’t skip a meal.
  • Three servings Vegetables and two portions Fruit per day should be at least.
  • Include carbohydrates in your diet, but focus on complex whole grain productsThey contain more fiber, are good for digestion and keep your blood sugar levels stable.
  • Try to eat fresh as often as possible cook and avoid ready-made products. This will give you a better feel for your meals and avoid harmful additives.
  • Don’t forbid yourself anything, but try not to sinYou can also treat yourself to a burger or a chocolate bar. Just make up for it at the next meal.
  • Add Sports in your daily schedule. It should be at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise a day.

Thonon Diet: This is our conclusion

In the short term, the Thonon diet is a quick Weight loss possible. Due to the low-calorie, high-protein diet and the elimination of carbohydrates as far as possible, the body has no choice but to lose weight. However, you can hardly avoid gaining weight again after the end of the diet or even in the stability phase, because the yo-yo effect will strike mercilessly. Losing 10 kilos quickly sounds great, but to long-term To lose weight and keep it off you have to change your diet. A healthy Calorie deficit You can achieve this with a balanced, protein-rich diet that contains lots of vegetables. You have to exercise, otherwise it won’t work. Even if you don’t want to hear it: losing weight is and will remain a long-term process, there’s no getting around it.

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