Lolita Chammah, daughter of Isabelle Huppert, lost her baby after 12 days of life: how her 10-year-old elder comforted her

By Caroline Perrin | Journalist

Obelix of the celebrity press, she fell into it when she was little and never really left the pot. His favorite pastime? Scour the social networks of stars to find clues about breakups or new couples still kept secret.

Lolita Chammah has long kept to herself the drama she experienced in 2022: the loss of a baby 12 days after her birth. If getting back on track was and still is difficult, she was able to count on the support of Gabriel, her eldest son aged 10, with extraordinary maturity.

Lolita Chammah appearing on Léa Salamé’s show on France Inter © Youtube

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There are pains in life that can be eased, but never forgotten. Lolita Chammah, the daughter of Isabelle Huppert, crosses one of them. In 2022, she is pregnant with her second child. Happy news that turns into a nightmare at just five and a half months of pregnancy.

Forced to give birth, she gives birth a very premature baby: Kolia. Despite doctors’ best efforts to keep him alive, the little boy died 12 days after his birth. A drama that the actress wrote down on paper in her book, I watched the night fallpublished on May 2 by Stock editions.

Invited this Tuesday, May 28, 2024 on the France Inter morning show co-presented by Léa Salamé, Lolita Chammeh returned to this ordeal her family went through. If mourning is of course difficult, if not impossible, getting back on track is an option to continue living for her, and especially for others. Because Lolita Chammah is also the mother of Gabriel, 10 years old.whose first steps in the cinema in the film The Intranquilles by Joachim Lafosse were praised.

Gabriel, a comforting treasure for Lolita Chammah

The truth comes out of the mouths of children, that’s a fact. But their words, sweet and pure thanks to their innocence, can also have a restorative impact. In any case, this is what happened to Lolita Chammah. Questioned by Léa Salamé on the reaction of his big son after the tragedythe 40-year-old actress spoke about the presence of her boy at her side, essential to his survival.

As Léa Salamé makes it known, Gabriel said these words to her when the actress had indicated that she wanted to join her son in the stars: “You have to accept life and find your voice in things. Even if he’s not physically there, you made Kolia, and it’s already a great thing to have made him. Mom stop, Kolia is here.

Upset by these words, Lolita Chammah returned to this undeniable strength that her son gave her in this very dark period: “The kids are always amazing. We always wonder how he navigates chaos with such panache and strength. This was the case with my son, who said things to me even in the darkest moments. It’s so full of life, so incredible that obviously it saved me. He doesn’t know it, he doesn’t realize it, but yes, it’s a power of consolation for the child. It’s quite incredible.” Gabriel, hero in spite of himself!

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