Lohr: Schoolmate shot dead – conviction for murder demanded – Bavaria

Was it murder or manslaughter? After the fatal shooting of a 14-year-old schoolboy in Lower Franconia, the public prosecutor’s office is demanding eight years and nine months of youth imprisonment for the 15-year-old defendant. They consider the murder characteristic of treachery to have been fulfilled, since the shot to the head came from behind, said a spokeswoman for the Würzburg regional court.

The defendant’s lawyer disagrees. He will plead manslaughter, he told the German Press Agency. The defense’s plea is planned for Thursday. Before that, the lawyer for the victim’s parents, who are co-plaintiffs, will plead. The verdict is expected on August 5. The maximum youth sentence for murder is ten years.

Last September, the 15-year-old killed a 14-year-old with a single shot from a pistol on the grounds of a school in Lohr am Main, northwest of Würzburg. He confessed to the fatal shot at the beginning of the main hearing. However, the shot was not fired intentionally.

According to the spokeswoman, the defendant had his defense attorney explain that he was very sorry for everything and that he wished he could undo everything. The two boys went to the same middle school in the small town in the Spessart region. The murder weapon, a nine-millimeter Ceska CZ 75 pistol, belonged to a 66-year-old who lived in the same house as the defendant.

Before the main hearing, the prosecution assumed that the youth admired the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer and acted out of a desire to kill. Dahmer committed one of the most gruesome series of murders in the USA. There is a Netflix series about him. However, according to the court spokeswoman, the prosecution did not uphold the charge of murderous intent based on the main hearing. In the closing statement, however, the prosecution also requested that preventive detention be reserved and that placement in a social therapeutic facility be ordered. The trial is not public.

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