LMU Munich: Proceedings due to waste suspended – Munich


Expensive taxi bills and other expenses: The judiciary evaluates the behavior of a vice president as an official offense, but no longer investigates. He pays several thousand euros, from his point of view there is “no doubt” about his innocence


Sebastian Krass

The Vice President pays several thousand euros for a good cause, for which the State Prosecutor’s Office discontinues the disciplinary proceedings: With this result, which a spokesman for the judicial authority reports on request, the legal processing of the waste of public money at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU ) completed. The State Prosecutor’s Office, which acts, among other things, in the event of possible violations by civil servants, initiated the procedure at the end of 2020. It was particularly about the fact that the Vice President had the LMU reimbursed taxi costs totaling 64,000 euros for journeys between Munich and his home, which is about 90 kilometers away, over a period of ten years. This was revealed by the Bavarian Supreme Audit Office (ORH).



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