LIVE – Presidential: more than 600 mayors call for support of Macron for a second term

Republicans “are no longer a government party”: Darmanin curbs his former camp

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin attacked his former political family, in an interview with Parisien published this Saturday. In this interview, he believes that The Republicans “are no longer a government party as they have gone to the extreme”.

>> Find our article: The Republicans “are no longer a government party”, Gérald Darmanin attacks the right.

The Republicans Congress: Aubert supports Ciotti

The president of Oser la France Julien Aubert affirmed at JDD that he would support Eric Ciotti during the congress where the Republicans will nominate their presidential candidate, even if his movement “will remain neutral”.

“Eric Ciotti having taken up all of our proposals, I consider it logical to give him my support for the first round”, explained the LR deputy from Vaucluse. Eric Ciotti “is much more Thatcherite than me but, like him, I did not vote Macron in 2017 and I believe that we must be clear with our base for 2022”, he added.

Jordan Bardella guest of BFM Politics Sunday noon

The president of the National Gathering Jordan Bardella will be the guest of Jean-Baptiste Boursier for BFM Politics, this Sunday at noon.

“We can win”: environmentalist Jadot calls on Hidalgo and socialists to rally

The environmental candidate Yannick Jadot called Anne Hidalgo and the socialist camp to the rally of the left, in an interview with Sunday Newspaper, for the presidential election of 2022. “Let us build together the alternation”, he launches. “There is a prospect of ecological and social victory. We can win.”

Presidential: more than 600 mayors call for support for Macron for a second term

“We need continuity and stability”: In a column published this Sunday in the JDD, some 611 French mayors are supporting Emmanuel Macron in view of the 2022 presidential election.

These elected officials want to see him carry out a second term, believing that this five-year term has “allowed our communities to find their rhythm and to better serve our citizens”.

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