LIVE – Presidential 2022: Hidalgo offers left-wing candidates a televised debate

Éric Coquerel: “You have to stop, we are not in a playground”

The deputy of France Insoumise (LFI) of Seine-Saint-Denis deplores on BFMTV the lack of “seriousness” of the candidacy “envisaged” by Christiane Taubira.

“We are three months from the mother election (…), we must stop, we are not in a playground. Even the election of school delegates is more serious than what offers us those who clearly need a spare tire [le PS]”, insists Éric Coquerel.

“A program built from odds and ends”

Recalling that the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo did not announce her withdrawal, but her participation in the primary, the deputy deplored the potential “application in addition” to the former Keeper of the Seals. “I also heard her say that if she was one more candidate, she wouldn’t be. [candidate]. There she has had the answers, she will be one more candidate. “

And to castigate the principle of the primary as a “losing machine”, because of the disagreements within the range of parties on the left. “It would be a program built from odds and ends with candidates who disagree with the degree of break with the system.”

“A funny idea”: Marine Le Pen reacts to Christiane Taubira’s approach

For the candidate of the National Gathering, the announcement of Christiane Taubira, who “plans” to run, is a “funny idea”.

“I admit that coming to try to solve the problem by adding an additional candidacy in a camp which is already at the very least fractured seems to me like a funny idea”, launched Marine Le Pen from Mayotte where she is traveling until Sunday.

“I believe that the left is totally in perdition, they no longer know at all how to get out of this spiral where they are completely absent from the credible political offer”, she declared, considering as “strange” as the former minister made an appointment in mid-January, ie “at the heart of the presidential campaign”.

For Jadot, Taubira’s initiative is “not totally up to” the challenges

The environmentalist presidential candidate Yannick Jadot on Friday judged the initiative of former minister Christiane Taubira, who plans to stand, “not totally up to” the challenges facing France.

“I know the values ​​that inhabit it, but four months before the presidential election, I am posting a three-minute video and I will be back in a month, it is not totally up to the difficulties our country is encountering”, he said on France Bleu, affirming for his part: “I did not consider being a candidate; I am a candidate”, and “we will not discuss the ecological candidacy in France today ‘ hui “because” it will be mine “.

Fabien Roussel does not plan to “withdraw”, according to his entourage

After the announcement of Christiane Taubira, indicating that she was planning to run for the presidential election, Fabien Roussel does not plan to “retire”, according to his entourage at BFMTV.

“The same people who found that we had too many candidates add an additional candidate”, continues the same source.

Arnaud Montebourg believes, according to his relatives, that “the right path is that of the common project and the common candidacy”

This Friday, a few hours after Christiane Taubira announced that she was considering running for the presidential election, Arnaud Montebourg’s entourage told BFMTV that it was the “right path”.

“The right path is the common project and the common candidacy. Christiane Taubira is part of this process”, we were told, before assuring that Arnaud Montebourg “is delighted with this convergence of the points of view”.

Hidalgo says Taubira’s move validates the “idea” of an “organized vote” and calls all left-wing candidates to debate

Anne Hidalgo launched this Friday a call for debate on a television channel to all the candidates on the left, a few hours after Christiane Taubira announced that she was considering running for the presidential election:

“Let us assume together to come and present our proposals, to bring out our convergences and of course to show the differences.”

According to the mayor of Paris, what Christiane Taubira said this Friday morning “validates the idea that to come together, to meet, transparently in front of our fellow citizens (…), so that the left can carry a project which allows him to be present in the second round, I see no other way of doing it than through an organized vote “.

Sandrine Rousseau believes that Taubira’s approach “consists in pushing for the union of the left”

Sandrine Rousseau, president of the political council of Yannick Jadot, was questioned this Friday on BFMTV on Christiane Taubira, who assured to consider being a candidate for the presidential election of 2022:

“I think her approach is to push for union, and to put a little pressure on the union of the left, on that I agree with her. Her presence allows the question to be brought back to the heart of the debate. of the number of candidates on the left, I have always been for the union and I think that is a subject. “

“I admire more than anything the fights of Christiane Taubira but I did not hear her on ecology, we must reflect on this ecological question”, she however asserted, hammering that “ecology must be central in this election “.

Yannick Jadot invites “all progressives and humanists” to come and work with EELV

A few minutes after Christiane Taubira announced that she was considering “being a candidate” for the presidential election, Yannick Jadot reacted this Friday on BFMTV.

“I invite all progressives, all humanists to come and work with us. I invite them with their history, with their ideas, with their journey, with their strength of conviction, with their enthusiasm to work on this great project of a alternation with an alternative which is ecological, social and democratic “, he assured.

“Be careful not to divert the attention of the French from our proposals to resolve candidacies that are deadlocked and in difficulty, who are trying to find a way out with a pseudo democratic debate that they do not have not wanted to have it several months ago, “he added.

“Heartbreaking”: LaRem MP Anne-Laurence Petel criticizes Christiane Taubira’s announcement

Member of Parliament LaRem Anne-Laurence Petel criticized Christiane Taubira’s participation in “leftist political games” when she was “not legitimate to encourage vaccination” on Twitter before deleting her message.

Twitter screenshot on December 17, 2021 © BFMTV

Taubira, Juppé, Baroin … With each presidential campaign, the myth of the savior

After Alain Juppé in 2017, Christiane Taubira in 2022 … Each election of a President of the Republic calls for its share of providential men and women, in particular when the political climate is dying.

Find our article: Taubira, Juppé, Baroin … With each presidential campaign, the myth of the savior

Christiane Taubira “plans to be a candidate”

While Anne Hidalgo and Arnaud Montebourg have increased calls for a left-wing primary in order to cope with the scattering of candidatures, Christiane Taubira, whose name was circulating, replied. The former Minister of Justice “plans to be a candidate”, but “not another candidate”.

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