“If taking responsibility is provocation, then we do not have the same definition of provocation”, was irritated on Europe 1 the Minister of Commerce and Tourism Olivia Grégoire. “Me, I have rather possibly seen provocation on the far left for weeks, saying that it is urgent to do nothing, denial of the challenge to be met with pensions,” she said.
“We have a right which I want to believe will support this reform, (…) in a word, we are determined, we are not in provocation, we are implementing what we had said” , she continued. “No, the National Assembly is not a ZAD, should not be and I hope with all my heart that it will not be”, continued the minister, targeting the exit of the boss of the Greens, Marine Tondelier.
“To do nothing is to put the system in the wall, to say ‘after me the deluge’. I became a mother, and that makes me deeply angry”, she also insisted.