LIVE – New tightening of entry conditions to France for travelers from the United Kingdom

Covid-19: 110,000 fake health passes detected according to the Interior

There are 110,000 fake health passes in France, AFP learned on Thursday from the entourage of the Minister of the Interior.

“There have been more than a hundred arrests out of the 400 investigations which have started to be opened” since the introduction in the summer of the compulsory pass in certain places, indicated on France 2 the Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin.

These arrests target both users and trafficking networks, says his entourage.

Blanquer wants ‘time to explain’ vaccine at school

Jean-Michel Blanquer has once again dismissed the idea of ​​a school health pass. On the other hand, he said he was in favor of the idea of ​​the school promoting the vaccine through an “explanation period”.

“It would be a question of explaining how a vaccine works, and why it is rational against the virus”, he asked at the microphone of France Info. But wouldn’t mobilizing the school in this battle risk giving ground to the anti-vaccine movement? “We must not back down in the face of current water hammers against rationality,” replied Jean-Michel Blanquer.

“We must do it!”: Blanquer promotes vaccination of 5-11 year olds

Jean-Michel Blanquer promoted the need to vaccinate children aged 5-11, the most vulnerable of whom have been eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine since yesterday, and whose age group could be completely by end of the year.

“You have to do it of course!” he launched at the microphone of France Info.

Modify the dates of the holidays to curb the pandemic? Blanquer turns away from a “possible” but “not privileged” track

Should we bring forward the date of the school holidays or delay the return of students in January in order to thwart the spread of the pandemic? The Minister of National Education opposed it during his intervention on France Info.

“It remains a possible tool but a priori it is not a privileged tool”, he launched, continuing: “The school is the last thing to close in a society”.

3,150 classes currently closed, children’s tests on the rise: Blanquer figures the health situation of the school

Jean-Michel Blanquer, still on France Info, revealed that “3150 classes were currently closed” in France. “Figures in stagnation for a week”, he welcomed.

He continued: “With the new measures we have considerably increased the tests for children”. “They were three times less tested than adults, they are now three times more,” he said.

Towards an “even more drastic” border control with the United Kingdom

Gabriel Attal confirms on BFMTV-RMC a strengthening of border controls with the United Kingdom, in the grip of rapid growth of the Omicron variant.

“We are going to implement even more drastic border controls with the United Kingdom,” said the government spokesperson.

Thus, an antigen test or PCR of less than 24 hours will be requested from Saturday to all travelers returning from the United Kingdom. These travelers will have to respect a compulsory isolation of 7 days on their arrival in France, isolation from which they will be able to leave after 48 hours in the event of a negative test, specifies Gabriel Attal.

In addition, people arriving from the UK will need to have a compelling reason to travel to France.

240 cases of Omicron confirmed in France

On BFMTV-RMC this Thursday morning, government spokesman Gabriel Attal confirms that 240 cases of the Omicron variant have been detected in France.

New tightening of entry conditions to France for travelers from the United Kingdom

According to our information, Matignon is due to announce this Thursday a further tightening of entry conditions into French territory for travelers from the United Kingdom.

Only travelers who can justify a compelling reason will be able to cross the Franco-British border, regardless of their vaccination status. Tourist travel will therefore be prohibited.

Travelers who can justify such a reason must, on their arrival in France, present a negative antigen or PCR test of less than 24 hours, whether they are vaccinated or not.

One exception, however: French nationals and their families will still be able to return to France. They will be forced into a period of isolation on arrival, which can be lifted after 48 hours if they can justify a negative test.

These new provisions will come into force on Saturday.

One in five French people refuse to spend the end of year holidays with an unvaccinated loved one

According to our Opinion 2022 poll conducted by Elabe for BFMTV, The Express and SFR, only one in five French people will refuse to spend the end-of-year holidays with an unvaccinated person. 29% of them said, however, that they would be embarrassed, and that they would take even more precautions.

>> All the conclusions of our survey here

Emmanuel Macron no longer excludes making vaccination compulsory

“This hypothesis exists, of course.” Interviewed on TF1 this Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron did not rule out having to resort to compulsory vaccination in the future. A noticeable change in tone for the one who had always opposed this extremity.

The Head of State, however, clarified that the current scheme was already a form of obligation.

“You know, we are almost there with the vaccination obligation when you have more than 90% of those who need to be vaccinated,” he explained.

>> The full article can be found here

A new Health Defense Council scheduled for Friday

Measures before the holidays? Gabriel Attal announced on Wednesday that the executive would meet in the Health Defense Council this Friday afternoon to consider additional restrictions to a few days of the end of the year holidays.

The meteoric rise of the Omicron variant observed in the United Kingdom and Denmark raises fears of an explosion in the epidemic. Among the topics on the table, strengthened border control and clear guidelines to help the French organize their end-of-year celebrations in the safest conditions.

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Welcome to this live dedicated to the Covid-19 news of this Thursday, December 16.

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