LIVE. Jegou-Auradou affair: the two rugby players have just landed in Paris, they left Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport – La Dépêche du Midi

  1. LIVE. Jegou-Auradou affair: the two rugby players have just landed in Paris, they left Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airportThe Midi Dispatch
  2. Rugby: ten weeks later, Auradou and Jégou have set foot in France againThe Figaro
  3. “Edema in the glottis”, “bruises inside the legs”: the story of Soledad, alleged victim of the Jegou-Auradou affairFree Midi
  4. Rugby players charged with rape return to France: “We have won this battle and now the media battle begins,” says their lawyerfranceinfo
  5. Auradou-Jegou affair: and now, what legal consequences after the players return to France?The Parisian

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