LIVE. Gabriel Attal defends the appointment of a Prime Minister who is not part of the presidential camp

Laurent Wauquiez assures that the LR would vote “immediately a motion of censure” against a government including LFI

The leader of the Republican deputies in the Assembly spoke at the end of the meeting of representatives of the right-wing party with Emmanuel Macron.

Lauren Wauquiez notably assured that the LR deputies would vote “immediately a motion of censure” against a government including LFI.

“We do not intend to be systematic opponents, because the country needs to continue moving forward” but “we will not participate in any government coalition,” he added.

Gabriel Attal proposed to Emmanuel Macron an “action pact for the French”

In his letter to the Ensemble deputies, ex-Renaissance, the resigning Prime Minister described the proposals made to the head of state during his “introductory speech”.

While “no parliamentary bloc has reached 200 deputies a priori”, the leader of the Ensemble deputies has “proposed an ‘action pact for the French'” to Emmanuel Macron.

According to him, it is a “programmatic basis recalling our values ​​and our projects, reaching out to other political forces with openings on tax justice regarding super-profits, or on institutional questions.”

Gabriel Attal “defended” to the president the appointment of a Prime Minister who is not part of the presidential camp

The resigning Prime Minister and leader of the Ensemble deputies, ex-Renaisance, in the Assembly sent a letter – which BFMTV was able to consult – to his colleagues following the lunch of representatives of the presidential camp at the Élysée.

“I defended the appointment of a new Prime Minister not coming from the parties of the central bloc, with a government representing a broad spectrum of sensibilities from the Republican left to the right, which would probably allow us to move forward in the interests of the French people,” he wrote.

Gabriel Attal also indicated to the head of state that his group would pronounce an “immediate” motion of censure in the event of the appointment of an LFI minister in the new government.

More information here.

Faced with Emmanuel Macron, the representatives of the presidential camp refuse the presence of rebels in a future government

At the lunch with the president’s allies at the Élysée, Gabriel Attal spoke first, BFMTV learned from participants. Then followed Édouard Philipe and François Bayrou.

A consensus was quickly reached among the participants: there will be no rebels in the future government.

Emmanuel Macron once again hammered home the word “stability.” “He does not want to play with the institutions, appoint Castets and then wait for her to be censored,” reported a participant at the lunch.

Republican representatives arrive at the Élysée

After the presidential camp, it is the turn of the Republicans to participate in consultations with the President of the Republic. Laurent Wauquiez, Bruno Retailleau and Annie Genevard have arrived at the Élysée Palace.

Representatives of the presidential camp leave the Élysée

After a lunch at the Élysée, the representatives of the presidential camp left the presidential palace. As on their arrival, these personalities of Macronie left one after the other.

Gabriel Attal, Édouard Philippe, François Bayrou… The representatives of the central bloc arrive one after the other at the Élysée for lunch

After the representatives of the New Popular Front, Emmanuel Macron receives the figures of his camp, that of the central bloc, for lunch at the Élysée.

The various officials, such as Édouard Philippe, Gabriel Attal and François Bayrou, arrived in dribs and drabs, sometimes alone in the presidential palace.

Fabien Roussel assures that Emmanuel Macron has “admitted that a change in policy was needed”

The national secretary of the French Communist Party reported on the discussions held between the leaders of the New Popular Front and the President of the Republic.

“He told us again that he was seeking to ‘build a solution of stability for the country’,” Fabien Roussel declared on BFMTV.

According to him, the NFP representatives reminded him that he should “appoint a prime minister but not dictate government policy.”

Emmanuel Macron “admitted that a change in policy was needed,” Fabien Roussel confirmed on our channel.

BFMTV INFO. Gérard Larcher received Monday at the end of the day at the Élysée

Senate President Gérard Larcher (LR) will be received this Monday at the end of the day by Emmanuel Macron as part of the consultations of the President of the Republic with a view to forming the next government, BFMTV learned this Friday.

The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet (Ensemble pour la République), will be received on Monday morning, BFMTV has also learned.

NFP demands response on Tuesday

Emmanuel Macron “is finishing his consultations on Monday, we need an answer on Tuesday”, declared Marine Tondelier, national secretary of the Ecologists, who wants to get out of the current “institutional soap opera”.

“There are emergencies and letting the weeks go by without addressing them is serious and even irresponsible,” she said.

Macron spoke of “rapid” appointment of a prime minister, Faure says

Regarding the appointment of the next Prime Minister, Emmanuel Macron “did not give a precise date but said that it would be quick”, according to Olivier Faure, first secretary of the Socialist Party.

“The president recognized that stability does not mean the continuity of current policy,” Olivier Faure also explains.

The left leaves the Élysée, Lucie Castets says she is “ready” to “build coalitions”

The various leaders of the New Popular Front and Lucie Castets have just left the Élysée. “We had a very rich discussion,” the latter first assures, explaining that “the President of the Republic recognized that a message was sent by the French people during the legislative elections.”

“Nevertheless, the temptation still seems present for the president to form his government,” regrets the 37-year-old senior civil servant.

“We told him that it was up to the political force that came out on top, the New Popular Front, to form a government,” she added, saying she was ready “from today” to “build coalitions.”

NFP “ready” to “seek compromises”

Lucie Castets assures that the New Popular Front is “aware” of the fact that it will have to “seek compromises, in the absence of an absolute majority” in the National Assembly. “We are ready for it,” she adds.

The NFP at the Élysée to “propose a stability solution”

“We have come to propose a solution for stability,” continued Lucie Castets in front of the Élysée.

“We have chosen to be all together (…) we are demonstrating that we are united and faithful to the mandate given to us by the voters,” said the senior civil servant, surrounded in particular by Manuel Bompard (LFI), Marine Tondelier (Les Écologistes) and Olivier Faure (PS).

Our article

Lucie Castets calls for “respecting the result of the legislative elections” upon her arrival at the Élysée

Representatives of the New Popular Front arrived at the Élysée Palace accompanied by their candidate for Matignon, Lucie Castets.

“We came to remind the president of the importance of respecting the outcome of the elections and getting the country out of the paralysis it is in,” she said.

Manon Aubry assures that the left is “ready” to govern

“We are ready” to govern, assures the rebellious MEP Manon Aubry on France Info, while the united left wants Emmanuel Macron to appoint its candidate, Lucie Castets, to Matignon, after coming out on top in the legislative elections.

“If we have to make a budget in the coming weeks, we are ready, we have it up our sleeve. If we have to make a certain number of reforms, in education, in health, we are ready!” she insists.

Manuel Bompard calls on Emmanuel Macron to “accept his defeat”

“The President of the Republic must now accept his defeat in the last legislative elections,” declared Manuel Bompard, coordinator of La France Insoumise, on France Info.

“We have lost too much time. The President of the Republic must finally acknowledge the results of the elections and appoint Lucie Castets, the candidate that we (the united left) proposed,” he urges.

Marine Tondelier assures that there is “no plan B for Lucie Castets” for the left

“No, there is no plan B for Lucie Castets,” replied Marine Tondelier, national secretary of the Ecologists, to a question from a listener on France Inter, who asked her about the intentions of the united left if Emmanuel Macron does not appoint their candidate to Matignon.

“This is the name we have chosen. There is no other. It has the full support of the Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the Insoumis Party and the Green Party,” she explains.

The rebellious deputy Bastien Lachaud denounces the “autocratic behavior” of Emmanuel Macron

“Denial of democracy”, “autocratic behaviour”… The rebellious MP Bastien Lachaud deplores on BFMTV that Emmanuel Macron did not appoint a Prime Minister from the ranks of the left after the latter came out on top in the legislative elections, obtaining a very relative majority with just over 190 MPs.

The elected representative of Seine-Saint-Denis accuses the President of the Republic of “using all the artifices of the Fifth Republic to not respect the popular vote that was expressed” during the election.

Fabien Roussel in favor of “compromises but without compromise”

The United Left having only a very relative majority in the National Assembly, with a little less than 200 deputies, it would seek to build “parliamentary majorities” if it reached Matignon, explains Fabien Roussel on TF1.

The national secretary of the French Communist Party speaks of “compromises, but without compromise”, arguing that voters voted for the New Popular Front “on the basis of a programme”.

Fabien Roussel speaks of a “democratic coup d’état” by Emmanuel Macron

“How long will this last?” Fabien Roussel laments on TF1 that a new Prime Minister has still not been appointed.

While the option of Lucie Castets, pushed by the united left, seemed to be rejected by Emmanuel Macron, the national secretary of the French Communist Party questions:

“What do you call, in politics, a President of the Republic who does not appoint a Prime Minister from a coalition that came out on top? In Latin America, we call that a putsch, a democratic coup d’état.”

Lucie Castets believes that “compromises are possible”

Left-wing candidate for Matignon, Lucie Castets spoke this Thursday in Tours during the environmentalists’ summer university.

“The NFP program is our working basis but it was built for the exercise of power in the event of an absolute majority. Now we are not crazy, we know very well that our majority is relative”, assured the 37-year-old senior civil servant, while since the success of the left in the legislative elections, La France Insoumise intends to apply “the program, nothing but the program and the whole program”.

How will Emmanuel Macron’s consultations take place?

In addition to the left, Emmanuel Macron will receive representatives from the presidential camp (Renaissance, Horizons, MoDem, Radical Party), the UDI, the Republicans (LR) and the centrist Liot group this Friday.

These consultations will end on Monday with the RN and Éric Ciotti’s party.

More details in our article

The left opens the ball at the Élysée

Hello everyone, welcome to this live dedicated to the political news of this Friday, August 23. We will follow Emmanuel Macron’s consultations for the formation of a new government.

They are due to start at 10:30 a.m. with the reception of representatives of the left-wing coalition New Popular Front and their candidate to become Prime Minister, Lucie Castets.

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