Live, 2024 legislative elections: Adrien Quatennens “gives up” on running under the banner of the New Popular Front – Le Monde

  1. Live, 2024 legislative elections: Adrien Quatennens “gives up” on running under the banner of the New Popular Front  The world
  2. DIRECT. Legislative elections 2024: “I am renouncing my candidacy”, declares outgoing MP Adrien Quatennens, whose nomination was contested  franceinfo
  3. Legislative elections 2024: La France Insoumise deputy Adrien Quatennens renounces his candidacy  Free Midday
  4. “Zionist” Glucksmann, “the Whites”, imam Iquioussen: the obsessions of Aly Diouara, invested by LFI in place of Raquel Garrido  Le Figaro
  5. “Purge”, Quatennens… Mélenchon justifies the decisions taken by LFI for the legislative elections  BFMTV

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