Lille have finally removed their Champions League loser tag

It’s the end of a long, too long period of lose. After nine years of rousing and disappointments, Lille has finally found the path to success in the Champions League by winning Tuesday night (1-2) on the lawn of Sevilla FC. The last time the Northerners celebrated a victory in the biggest European competition, François Hollande had just been elected president, Mbappé was entering his teens, Macron was just a sports brand and Zidane had no future on a future.

Since 2012 and an uninteresting success on the lawn of Bate Borisov, the Northerners had chained ten matches in a row without a win in the Champions League. So this unexpected feat in Andalusia at the co-leader of La Liga enters prominently in the history book of the northern club.

“It is the European Cup matches that mark the history of the clubs”

“You could say it’s an achievement because Sevilla are intractable at home in La Liga. It is always a challenge to go and win away against a big club from Spain. It is not a detail. We do honor to the Champions League by representing France well, ”says Jocelyn Gourvennec. “We don’t have to boast about that but we also have to keep in mind that it is the European Cup matches that mark the history of the clubs. The clubs are growing through Europe. This is a great reward for the whole of Losc and all its components, ”continues the northerner coach.

Mocked for its poor performance in the Champions League, Lille finally holds its revenge. However, there is no question of jumping to the ceiling because this feat in Seville will be useless if it is without a future. Now second in Group G with five points two days from the end, the northern club has a unique opportunity to qualify for the knockout stages of the Champions League.

“We repositioned ourselves in the Champions League. And we have not said our last word, ”hammers Gourvennec. Against Salzburg on November 23 and Wolfsburg on December 8, Lille has a unique opportunity to silence for good its critics who were speechless Tuesday night after the magical night in Seville.

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