Light, Zero or classic cola: which is healthiest?

  1. Fulda Newspaper
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Cola Light or Cola Zero © Panama Pictures/IMAGO

According to Coca-Cola Deutschland GmbH, Coca-Cola Zero and Coca-Cola Light contain no sugar and have zero calories. They do contain various sweeteners, but are they really healthier than sugar?

Germany – Those who want to avoid sugar but like drinking cola often turn to the popular sugar-free alternatives Cola Light and Cola Zero. But are these variants of Coca-Cola really better for a healthy eating than the classic Coke, which with 27 grams of sugar and 105 kcal per 250 ml on the List of the unhealthiest drinks ranked right at the top? Although both light Cokes appear similar at first glance, there are some differences, writes

Light, Zero or classic cola: which is healthiest?

On average, every German drinks almost 42 liters of cola per year, even though the drink is a real sugar bomb. The recipe for Coca-Cola is one of the best-kept secrets in the world, but it is known that the brown soda consists of water, carbonic and phosphoric acid, sugar, caramel for the color, as well as extracts from the kola nut and caffeine. But the exact composition of the flavorings remains well-guarded and thus shrouded in legend.

Zero calories, zero sugar, but full of flavor, that’s how Coca-Cola advertises its Light and Zero products. According to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), these colas are at least low in calories and therefore a little healthier than the classic cola. But the sweeteners they contain should also be consumed with caution and in moderation, as they can also have a negative impact on our health and our weight. What happens if If you drink Coke every day, find out herer.

The difference between Cola Light and Cola Zero lies mainly in their composition, the sweeteners used and the taste. Cola Zero is said to taste more like classic cola, while Cola Light has its own special taste. First of all, it must be made clear that Light and Zero, just like classic cola, are extremely unhealthy drinks, especially because the sweetener aspartame has recently been suspected of causing cancer.

They are no better for the body than the original cola with sugar, because the consumption of sugar substitutes such as aspartame, sucralose or acesulfame-K can also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and strokes. The aspartame content in Coca‑Cola Zero Sugar is around 120 mg per liter (Coca‑Cola Light contains 240 mg aspartame per liter). Find out how you can manage to live a sugar-free life here.

Non-alcoholic beer is a good cola substitute

In addition to sugar, cola also contains caffeine and phosphate and should therefore only be consumed in moderation. Alternative thirst quenchers include unsweetened fruit and herbal teas or fruit juice spritzers made from one part fruit juice and three parts water. A healthier, delicious and refreshing alternative is non-alcoholic beer, which even tastes really good thanks to advances in brewing.

In contrast to diet drinks with sweeteners, it really fills you up and doesn’t cause cravings, as is often the case after drinking sugary drinks. The best and healthiest thirst quencher is and remains water, of course, but you can also pimp it up with fresh fruit for flavor. You can find out which water is the healthiest here.

Is it bad to drink Coke Zero every day?

Sweeteners have less of an impact on blood sugar and insulin levels and therefore usually do not result in cravings, as is often the case after consuming a lot of sugar. But be careful: Since sweeteners can neither lower nor raise blood sugar levels, they naturally do not make you feel full. Therefore, light drinks should be an exception, especially for overweight people and diabetics, and should not be seen as a daily thirst quencher.

A recent study, recently published in BMC Public Health, shows that excessive consumption of beverages with sweeteners could increase the risk of metabolic liver diseases such as fatty liver disease (MASLD). The current study is based on data from over 2300 participants and will lead to further research. You can find out how much sugar is in which drink here.

Coca-Cola is currently advertising a new flavor of Coke Zero. Many curious people will be grabbing it again, but they are not doing themselves any good. As a British medical study recently showed, excessive consumption of Coke Zero can have a negative effect on intestinal bacteria and thus the intestinal flora due to the sweeteners it contains, such as aspartame. In addition, the habit of drinking a few cans of Coke Zero every day can lead to Drinking can also become a kind of addiction. (khei)

This article only provides basic information about healthy eating and is not intended for self-diagnosis or treatment. If you have any health problems, you should consult a doctor.

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