Life imprisonment requested against the accused Hubert Caouissin

After eleven trying days of hearing, the trial of the Troadec affair comes to an end without having succeeded in removing all the gray areas surrounding the tragedy. This Tuesday afternoon, the attorneys general called for life imprisonment against Hubert Caouissin, tried for the quadruple murder that occurred in February 2017 in Orvault near Nantes. A request with a security period of 22 years. “Mr. Caouissin is at the origin of the death of four people in a terrible bloodbath (…) It is too dangerous, there is no question of it going out”, launched the lawyer general Charlotte Gazzera.

Three years of imprisonment were required against his former partner, the maximum incurred by Lydie Troadec, 52, tried for concealment of corpses and modification of a crime scene.

Since the start of the trial, the main defendant has remained stuck in his position. he has recounted on several occasions that it was an argument that degenerated into a deadly brawl, with a crowbar, fueled by his obsession with hypothetical gold bars. A version contested by the advocates general in their requisitions but also by those of the civil parties who expressed this morning their conviction that Hubert Caouissin had indeed come with the intention of killing the Troadec couple and their children, Charlotte, 18 years old. , and Sébastien, 21 years old.

The verdict known on Wednesday

“It is not by chance that he made disappear” the murder weapon and the skulls of the victims, argued Me Olivier Pacheu, lawyer of the civil parties, considering that there was only “one only possible scenario: surprise ”. “It can only begin with the death of two children,” he also assured during his pleadings, explaining at the end of the hearing to be affected by the pain of his clients “who face this abysmal void of ‘a family that has completely disappeared ”.

This exceptional assize trial, which began on June 22 in Nantes, will end on Wednesday. In the morning, the pleadings of the defense lawyers will take place. The verdict could be known in the afternoon or evening.

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