Letter from Strack-Zimmermann: Incendiary letter for the “National Ukraine Conference”

Status: 07/17/2022 1:36 p.m

What does Germany want and can do for Ukraine? In order to clarify this, the FDP expert Strack-Zimmermann calls for a meeting of the Bundeswehr, industry and politics. Apparently she is also worried that Germany could act as a brake.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has repeatedly been accused of hesitation in his Ukraine policy, by the opposition – but also by the ranks of the traffic light coalition. Now the chairwoman of the defense committee in the Bundestag, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, is asking the chancellor to convene a “national Ukraine conference” as soon as possible.

In the letter from the FDP politician who ARD Capital Studio is available, writes Strack-Zimmermann, how long the Ukraine can defend itself depends in particular on Germany’s support. The government has done a lot, but needs to do more. “Germany must take on the leadership role in Europe demanded by its Western partners and without a doubt move forward decisively and courageously.”

Meeting of the Bundeswehr, industry and politics

It is urgently necessary to put the cards on the table and clarify what Germany is currently doing and what the Bundeswehr, industry and politics are still capable of in the coming weeks. The Ukraine war is in a crucial phase, Strack-Zimmermann warns:

As the Ukrainian army valiantly resists a brutal Russian attack, trying to contain the Russian army and noting military successes of its own thanks to our humanitarian, economic and military support, Russia continues to prepare for major offensives.

The FDP politician advocates a meeting at which representatives from politics and the Federal Chancellery, the armaments industry, the trade unions and the Bundeswehr sit around a table and coordinate further steps. “The aim should be to get an orderly overview in order to initiate the next steps in a targeted, amicable and joint manner,” says the letter.

“Germany must not be a loser and brakeman”

The FDP politician is one of the driving forces within the traffic light coalition with the SPD and the Greens for the delivery of heavy weapons to Ukraine, which has since been decided and has taken place, and which has long been controversial. In May, she asked Scholz to appoint a coordinator for arms aid to Ukraine in the Chancellery.

Disagreements within government and with industry had previously given allies the impression of hesitancy and prompted open criticism. “It must not be that at the end of the war the world perceives Germany as a complete brakeman and loser just because we are not able to organize and communicate,” Strack-Zimmermann said at the time.

Ukraine urgently needs weapons and ammunition

Together with the Netherlands, Germany has now handed over twelve of the modern Panzerhaubitze 2000 to the Ukraine. Both states want to increase the number to a total of 18 self-propelled howitzers, enough for a complete Ukrainian artillery battalion. In Germany, Ukrainians are currently being trained to use the Mars II rocket launcher, the next weapon system to be deployed.

In order to be able to withstand the attack, which has now been expanded by Russia, the delivery of ammunition of all kinds to Ukraine is considered an essential factor. At the same time, Germany has to replenish its own ammunition stocks, which are far below the requirements. Expenditure of 20 billion euros is estimated for this alone.

With information from Markus Sambale, ARD capital studio

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