“Let’s Dance” finale: Which star will win?

“Let’s Dance” finale
Which star will win?

Detlef Soost, Gabriel Kelly and Jana Wosnitza (from left) fight for the title “Dancing Star 2024”.

© Photo: RTL / Arya Shirazi / RTL / Arya Shirazi / RTL / Arya Shirazi

Three stars still have a chance to be at the top of the podium in the 17th season of “Let’s Dance”. These are the finalists.

The “Let’s Dance” finale of the 17th season is coming up. This Friday (May 24th from 8:15 p.m. live on RTL or via RTL+), one finalist and two finalists want to convince the jury with a dance, a favorite dance and a freestyle and at the end take home the trophy as “Dancing Star 2024”.

Jana Wosnitza

RTL presenter Jana Wosnitza (30) wants to win with Vadim Garbuzov (37). In terms of points, the 30-year-old was able to continuously improve on “Let’s Dance” and received 29, 29 and 24 points from the jury in the semi-finals for her three dances. Juror Joachim Llambi (59) explains in the RTL interview on Wosnitza’s performance in the dance show: “At the beginning she wasn’t a dancer. She was always hardworking and very precise. But only over time did she develop to where she is now. Now she is really great.”

For Motsi Mabuse (43), the presenter also “has had an incredible journey on ‘Let’s Dance’. For me, she was an underdog who absolutely improved in strength and quality towards the finale. She should definitely continue.”

Detlef Soost

Can dance pro Ekaterina Leonova (37) score her fourth victory on “Let’s Dance”? With dance celebrity Detlef Soost (53) she definitely has a potential winner at her side. In the semi-finals, the two scored 29 points three times. “Absolutely mega bombastic,” Mabuse describes his performance so far on the RTL dance show in an interview with the broadcaster. “What I love about Detlef is that he really takes risks on ‘Let’s Dance’. He danced every dance 100 percent, sometimes 120 percent. But he always gave absolutely everything, and he has also improved.”

Joachim Llambi explains Soost’s performance: “I was worried because he comes from somewhere else, but he showed that he can dance standard and Latin well,” judges the juror and colleague Jorge González (56), raving about the “soft movements” that the dance coach learned to show on “Let’s Dance”.

Gabriel Kelly

Gabriel Kelly (22) has danced his way to favorite status with Malika Dzumaev (33) from episode to episode. The musician has scored the most points on average this season, most recently in the semi-finals with points 29, 30 and 30. “Gabriel is our natural talent,” enthuses Mabuse in the RTL interview“He is consistent and stable, at a very high level, from the beginning to today.” Llambi describes the son of Angelo Kelly (42) as “our little music and rhythm miracle. From the beginning. He has also constantly improved his postures. For me, the most complete dancer in this season.”

Fellow jury member Jorge González is equally enthusiastic about Kelly: “Great guy, free as a bird. But he trains a lot and has found dancing to be a passion on ‘Let’s Dance’. He showed what the show is all about and has learned to express his emotions through dance.”


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