Left-wing deputies dressed in Palestinian colors at the National Assembly

Deputies from the left came this Tuesday, June 4 dressed in the colors of the Palestinian flag in the hemicycle of the National Assembly. A flag was also brandished by rebellious MP Rachel Kéké, reproducing the gesture of her colleague Sébastien Delogu last week.

The war between Israel and Hamas continued within the walls of the National Assembly this Tuesday, June 4. As announced The galleryleft-wing deputies, including rebels and ecologists, came dressed in the colors of Palestine, in black, red, white and green, during the question session to the government.

A way to show support for the Palestinian people in Gaza, under Israeli bombs since October 7, while avoiding a sanction given that to date, article 9 of the General Instruction of the Bureau only provides that the clothing of deputies must “be similar to street attire”.

To which the President of the Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet reacted: “I see everyone’s clothing, I think it is necessary to remember that we are in the hemicycle of the National Assembly.”

Before adding: “The hemicycle is the place for democratic debate and the expression of parliamentarians is carried out exclusively orally.”

As a response to this initiative, the deputies of the National Rally and the Republicans as well as some members from Renaissance and Modem, for their part, wore their scarves in the colors of the tricolor flag.

Rebellious collaborators who wore keffiyehs told BFMTV that they had been “fired” from the “sacred perimeter” – a space near the meeting room strictly reserved for elected officials and staff of the National Assembly – by bailiffs at the request by Yaël Braun-Pivet.

A new Palestinian flag brandished on the Insoumis side

A new Palestinian flag was subsequently brandished within the confines of the hemicycle by the rebellious MP Rachel Kéké – dressed in green and white and wearing the tricolor scarf – reproducing the gesture of her colleague Sébastien Delogu last week .

“You obviously have a call to order with instructions in the minutes and we will decide at the next office whether a more severe sanction is necessary,” declared Yaël Braun-Pivet who thus suspended the session of questions to the government for a few minutes before taking it back.

An LFI deputy told BFMTV that it was a “solitary act”.

“The group had only decided to display a large Palestinian flag on our benches and in silence in the most respectful way possible of the rules of the Assembly,” added this deputy.

The previous week, on May 28, the rebellious deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône had judged the government’s response on the recognition by France of a Palestinian state and more generally on its unsatisfactory position regarding Israeli strikes on Gaza. He then stood up and brandished a Palestinian flag in the hemicycle of the National Assembly.

The latter reacted on X to the initiative of his colleagues to dress in black, red, white and green this Tuesday: “1 excluded, more than 100 others mobilized. he will not come out of it again until France acts to apply international law.”

A maximum sentence for Sébastien Delogu

This gesture earned Sébastien Delogu a temporary exclusion of 15 days, a ban on taking part in the work of the Assembly during this period as well as deprivation for two months of half of his parliamentary allowance. The elected official received the harshest sanction provided for in the National Assembly. Its president Yaël Braun-Pivet deemed the sequence “inadmissible”.

This gesture caused a stir on the benches of the hemicycle but also in its corridors. The tone rose violently between the rebellious MP David Guiraud and the related MP LR Meyer Habib in the Salle des Quatre Columns. The latter subsequently affirmed on the BFMTV set that he was going to file a complaint against David Guiraud.

According to the latest report from the Health Ministry of the Hamas-led Gaza government, 36,550 people have died, including 71 in 24 hours. Aerial bombardments and artillery fire targeted the Gaza Strip from north to south on Tuesday after the announcement the day before of the death of four Israeli hostages killed in the Palestinian territory.

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