Lawsuit against Warren Beatty over child abuse – Panorama

Warren Beatty is accused of sexually abusing a minor in 1973. According to the lawsuit, which was filed in a Los Angeles court earlier Monday and about the now US media like that New York Times to reportBeatty is said to have used his status as a Hollywood star to manipulate and take advantage of a girl.

Plaintiff Kristina Charlotte Hirsch said Beatty forced her to have sex when she was 14 and 15 years old. He caused her “severe emotional, physical and mental stress”, so she is suing for damages. The actor was then about 35 years old.

According to the plaintiff, the abuse took place over several months after she met Beatty on a film set in Los Angeles. At the time, he offered to help her with her homework and took her on car rides. Finally he invited her to his hotel room. There was “oral sex” and “forced sexual intercourse”.

Beatty is not named in the lawsuit, but is described in detail. Best known for ‘Bonnie and Clyde’, he starred in and produced the film which earned him a reputation as an unconventional filmmaker. In 1982 he won the Oscar for directing the political drama Reds, in which he also starred.

The Hollywood star, now 85, initially did not comment on the allegations. The lawsuit was filed under a 2019 California law that allows plaintiffs to temporarily suspend the statute of limitations and address decades-old sexual abuse claims.

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