Lauterbach announces financial concept for nursing care insurance

As of: October 7th, 2024 12:11 p.m

The Ministry of Health contradicts reports that the nursing care insurance is on the verge of bankruptcy. According to Minister Lauterbach, it is known that there are financial problems. He announced a financial concept.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach wants to present a financial concept “shortly” to put nursing care insurance on a more stable footing. The ministry responded to a report by the Editorial Network Germany (RND).

This had previously reported, citing coalition circles, that the nursing care insurance would be insolvent as early as next February if no action was taken beforehand. Discussions were already underway in the coalition about an emergency operation to prevent bankruptcy.

Strong according to the report Contribution increase planned

According to the RND report, the increase in the contribution rate of 0.2 percentage points previously forecast by the health insurance companies is not enough. The government is assuming a need of 0.25 to 0.3 percentage points.

The justification is that a longer phase of government formation is to be expected after the federal election in autumn 2025. The increase must therefore be such that the money is sufficient at least until spring 2026.

The Ministry of Health contradicts

The SPD-led Ministry of Health stated that “we cannot confirm the RND report.” Lauterbach has emphasized several times in the recent past that nursing care insurance has both short-term and structural difficulties, according to a spokesman.

There are essentially three reasons for these difficulties: The most recent care reform has significantly relieved the burden on those in need of care in homes, care workers receive higher wages and there are more people in need of care than expected. The new financial concept is intended to address these problems.

Health insurance contributions will rise

A general contribution rate of 3.4 percent currently applies to nursing care insurance. Those without children pay four percent. There are discounts for families with more than one child under 25.

According to the RND, the supposedly planned premium increase of 0.3 points in nursing care would be in addition to the expected increase of 0.7 percentage points in health insurance. This means that social contributions could rise more sharply at the beginning of 2025 than they have in over 20 years.

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