Laurent Lafitte will play Bernard Tapie in a series dedicated to his life

The series was born from the resemblance between Laurent Lafitte and Bernard Tapie – VILLARD-POOL / Michel Euler / AP / SIPA

Businessman, minister, boss of OM, actor, singer… Bernard Tapie had a thousand lives, enough to make a series of it. This is exactly what Tristan Séguéla and Olivier Demangel said to each other, behind a six-episode fiction project planned for Netflix, which will start filming in March 2022.

The costume of the main character will be worn by the actor Laurent Lafitte, who himself inspired Tristan Séguéla almost ten years ago, in the dressing room of the film. 16 years old or almost. “We both said to each other that he looked incredibly like Bernard Tapie,” says the screenwriter and director at First. I told him at that point that I wanted to work on a fictional project devoted to the myth, Bernard Tapie. And it turns out that he, too, was something he dreamed of doing! So we hit each other in the hand. “

A mini-series that could become … just a series

Our colleagues unveil the synopsis of the series whose name will be Wonderman : “From singer to businessman, from minister to prisoner, Bernard Tapie has known everything. Through its successes and failures, Wonderman traces the romantic fate of an extraordinary public figure. “

Bernard Tapie’s acting career should not be mentioned in the series since it intends to cover “twenty years of the life of Bernard Tapie, since his beginnings in professional life in the 1960s”, indicates Première. Wonderman, whose goal is not to “put in images its Wikipedia file”, will allow itself some deviations from reality. This does not pose a problem for the businessman who took note of the creation of this series, without being involved in it in any way.

For now, Tristan Séguéla and Olivier Demangel are working on writing the scripts, in collaboration with Laurent Lafitte, until the end of the year. They promise that the end of the six episodes will be sufficient on its own, but that “given the life of the main character,” the miniseries could turn into a series with multiple seasons. That will depend on his success.

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